Did you exchange or return any gifts this year?

Discussion in Gifts & Flowers started by pafjlh • Dec 28, 2014.

  1. pafjlh

    pafjlhActive Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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    I know that some of us go out the day after Christmas to return or exchange gifts we received. I have never personally done this myself, well unless you count last year when my brother bought a streaming player for The House and had to exchange it because it didn't have the wifi capability without an adaptor. But I have never exchanged clothing or items myself. I guess for the most part when someone gave me a clothing item it was the right size. Also when I wasn't too thrilled about a gift, I would just keep it, because you never know you may need it down the road.

    Anyway, the day after Christmas I was watching the news. There was a story about people returning gifts, or redeeming gift cards. Needless to say December 26th is another busy day for shopping centers. But I had to shake my head and laugh at one woman they were talking to. When they asked her how many items she was returning, she said ten. Say what, for me that would be around the amount of gifts I received, on average that would be it for most of us. So, this woman was returning or exchanging all her gifts more or less. Is she that difficult to buy for, maybe her friends and family should just give her gifts cards then call it a day.
  2. Mockingbird

    MockingbirdActive Member

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Not yet but i think i may have to. In this case I am not certain i can exchange the gift, i might just have to re-gift it instead. For whatever crazy reason my mom bought me a lovely shirt but it is a size 1x- I am at best a large but closer to a medium. I have to agree with her it looks smaller then a 1x but till I try it on you never know. Other then that what I got this year seems to be fine. It is funny but somehow this year unrelated people were able to get accessories for me that all matched. What are the chances of boots, a belt and a purse all just being in the same weird color?
  3. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I was planning on returning some gifts that I bought for others this time because the box wasn't in very good condition but since I didn't have enough time I just gave it away anyway. I'm sure the person receiving it won't be as worried about the box as I am, since I know I'm just overthinking things. As for gifts given to me, I am not returning them because I'd have to ask for a receipt and it would be a bit embarrassing.
  4. valiantx

    valiantxActive Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Yes I returned a few gifts given to me, because they were not the correct size in clothing. Otherwise, most of my gifts were things I liked, so I did not have to bother returning them. I have no wish list for Christmas or my birthdays, because I believe the best present is simply being present with family and friends, for I do not know when they will or I will leave this mortal existence thus I enjoy every moment as best I can and have. Lastly, I really dislike returning things, it's such a hassle I rarely bother to do it unless I truly like the gift(s).
  5. isabbbela

    isabbbelaWell-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    I have not, thankfully! I really appreciate gifts I get and I very rarely will return them or exchange them, I only do it if they really don't fit me. I also rarely regift them. This year I mainly got cash from my grandma and aunts, so there's not a lot that I could have possibly exchanged.The other gifts were jewelry and makeup, and my mom gave me some jeans but I had previously tried them on in the store, so I didn't have to exchange them. It was a good Christmas over all, including the presents I got!
  6. milyjohnson

    milyjohnsonActive Member

    Aug 1, 2014
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    I haven't returned or exchanged any gifts. I didn't get anything to wear and that would be what I would exchange for a different size. I have wanted to exchange some things that my grandmother used to get me because she never bought clothes for me in the right size. She would buy them too big. I just never knew how to go about exchanging anything without a receipt.
  7. Lushlala

    LushlalaWell-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    This year we cancelled Christmas, so we didn't do gifts. It was work and more work all the way through, we've just not stopped. But that's alright,we didn't feel sorry for ourselves or feel left out as many people seemed to be in the same boat.

    In the past, I've never had a good enough reason to return anything. If I received a gift that wasn't to my liking, it always ended in the charity bag. My logic is, at least it'll go to a good home :)
  8. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Lol, the woman you are talking about would probably return the gift cards too, so I think the best bet would be to give her cash and let her pick out what she wants. But you can't please some people. She might be the type that if all she got was cash instead of gifts she would feel that people had not put enough thought into the gift that was given to her.

    I don't really recall returning any gifts in the past. This year though, I have been trying to get cash for an itunes gift card that I received, because I figure I won't use it. So far it has been a challenge to trade it in, I have only found one kiosk that accepts gift cards for cash, but it wouldn't take the itunes card. I might have to mail it in to a company that gives cash for cards, just do it that way.
  9. hellavu

    hellavuActive Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I wish I could've. I got this horrid tacky sparkly necklace from my mother-in-law, a fake gold chain and a very big piece of squirrels made of glitter and all. Absolutely horrible and not something I would wear if not for a dress up for carnival or Halloween. Sadly though... It was bought on eBay, a while ago already, and even if it just came, I doubt you could give it back. The only solace is that it was probably dirt cheap from China. Still. I feel almost bad just for keeping this.

    Most of the gifts I got this year had been ordered through the internet, and not much of them had a "Send back" guarantee. Fortunately, my SO was better at gift giving and I would not want to return anything he got me!

    I'm not sure I ever did return any gift in my life, though. I'd feel bad.
  10. 003

    003Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Yes, with some of my relatives and friends. It has been a tradition for almost all people, and you just can't simply get away from it. Besides it's fun to have gifts as well as to give others and see them smile, or touch their hearts. But if I don't have something to give them that would make them feel especial, then I really don't give them any gift. I give gifts because I want them to know how they are to me. I don't give gifts just for the sake of occasion, just for the tradition. Giving gifts has to have a more significant sense, and be not just a trope of an occasion.