Are There Any Paid Apps Out There That Are Worth Buying?

Discussion in Mobile Apps & Games started by purplepaint • Jul 27, 2015.

  1. purplepaint

    purplepaintNew Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I almost always find that paid apps have a free alternative that has quite similar functionality, so there is no need to buy the app. Are there any paid apps that you have found are much better than free versions, and are worth buying? Are there any really unique apps out there that don't even have an alternative? What do you think about paying for apps?
  2. troutski

    troutskiWell-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Obviously there are hundreds of paid apps that are worth buying. Premium apps give you a premium experience in that you can easily get exclusive features, and in-app purchases or advertisements are far less likely to be part of paid apps. I buy apps all the time, including those that do and do not have free alternatives. I'm not going to waste my time with free apps that bombard you with ads or in-app purchases or other cash grabs. It's not worth the effort to deal with that hassle.
  3. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I often start out with free apps, and if i like the product, will upgrade to the paid version. I'm starting over right now, having shifted from iOS to Android, so am currently using all free apps again, but will eventually start shifting back over to the paid ones. I'm finding that the same app works differently on the Android system, so I'm taking my time before purchasing, to make sure I want to buy the same ones I had on my iOS device. A few I have bought in the past are echofon pro and the mobilityware version of Solitaire. There are lots of free Solitaire apps out there, but this one allows some modifications, such as shifting to Left Hand, which is imperative for me. Echofon on iOS was the best Twitter app I'd found that enabled me to switch among my many Twitter accounts, and made marketing easier for me, but the Android version doesn't seem to work as well, although i haven't found another app that works as well, either, so it could be some sort of incompatibility between the Android platform and Twitter.