Did You ALSO Think That Michael Jackson Song Was ‘LibRARian Girl’?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Aug 4, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    On Michael "King of Pop" Jackson's

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    , he performed a song called "Liberian Girl." That album was the first Compact Disc I ever picked-out, and--as I had no idea what Liberia was--I think I seriously thought Michael was singing "librarian girl" (the way some slang-speakers call that book-place "the ly-bary").

    Even today sometimes I'll break into song, singing, "Li-bra-ri-an Girrrrrrl, You know that you came and you chaaanged my world, Just like in the mo-vies ..."

    Don't you? or are there any songs that you know the 'real' lyrics to but will catch yourself singing- or thinking of-the WRONG lyrics?