Do You Re-visit Your Former Workplaces?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by ohiotom76 • Oct 22, 2015.

  1. ohiotom76

    ohiotom76Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    I was reading some news articles today, about a building I once worked in, which is now abandoned and the out of town owners are fighting with the city over who is going to foot the bill for demolishing it. Since it became abandoned, apparently it's become a hot spot for looters, who have been ripping the place apart, stealing copper pipes and other stuff.

    What really struck me were the accompanying photos that went along with the article. They were pictures of the office suite in particular I once worked in, now all torn apart and in shambles. That was my first real "job" right out of college, 14 years ago. Within a couple years of me working there though, it was apparent they weren't going to remain in business much longer, so I took another job elsewhere and the owners did eventually close it down and moved to another state.

    At the time, they were about my age now, a husband and wife couple, running a small local ISP business. The building was a former hospital which had been converted to office suites, to attract small business owners in the area. It was exciting to be a part of a small startup like that, but it was also sad to see it not make it. Since then I've worked at two more companies which ended up shutting down as well, and I've been transitioning into just working for myself instead.

    It's just weird to look back and see places I was excited for when hired there, be empty and abandoned now.
  2. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina IsobeWell-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2015
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    :oops:I worked till I was laid off because the retailer wasn't doing so good and they still are hanging in there with one store on the island. Hilo Hattie is closing its doors for good and having a liquidation sale right now. Some businesses close maybe for retirement or some other business. Hawaii has it's new businesses and sad to see some of the older ones I grew up with close like Hilo Hatties and the retailer I worked for is hanging in there like Sears still is trying with one store at Windward Mall. Liberty House closed and didn't reopen; I really miss it! There was a sweet meringue cookie I loved that only the baker at Liberty House baked that I specially went and bought, now only a memory. As I age I have seen business I grew up with retire, size-down or just close down. As you age you'll see the same too.

    The one before the last place I worked from a distributor became a Wholesale Mart. We shop there and in the beginning the owner was about and looked at me when I was shopping. We exchanged a smiled and let it go at that. I shop at other places I worked at, but the managers I worked under retired, so the new people don't know me. The people who stuck on at the retailer I worked for and I weren't all that close anyway. I am self-employed myself now as a writer.
  3. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I used to visit one in particular, because I had friends working there. It has since been bought out and my friends have moved on. The building and grounds are lovely, and I still visited them after that, but I haven't been to the area in a while. I worked there when it was being built, as well as after, so I do have a strong attachment to the site. I don't really feel the same sort of affection for most places, although I'd love to be able to drive through the campus of another former worksite, but am unable, since it's a secure campus and I don't have a security pass.
  4. cheryllei9h

    cheryllei9hNew Member

    Oct 19, 2015
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    The only workplaces I ever went back to were the ones that were stores. I shopped there too so I would go back there to do some shopping. Although I didn't go back to shop there until a good while after I didn't work there anymore.
  5. Corzhens

    CorzhensWell-Known Member

    May 27, 2015
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    My first employment was with a commercial bank that closed and re-opened as a savings bank. It re-hired some of my former colleagues and we sometimes meet for coffee. However, it closed again some years back so my former colleagues and I hold a reunion twice a year. In November, we will again meet in a restaurant for that. About our old office, it's still there but already occupied by another company.
  6. thenextGeek

    thenextGeekActive Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Earlier today I just revisited my former school. Not a workplace since I'm still in college, but I guess it's just the same since both have been a part of our past. Anyway, when I visited my old high school, and spoke with the chief of the guards, I can't help but smile all throughout our conversation. I remember the time that we skipped school, I remember the time that we hid from the guards, everything felt very unreal.

    I was able to put into perspective what happened in the last four year of my life. The new friends I met in college and the friends I lost because we couldn't hang out anymore. I remembered my old teachers who taught me subjects I hated and loved. I remembered the memories that made my four years in high school so memorable. It's been a lot of fun, and I will visit the place again someday.
  7. MiMichelle


    Nov 2, 2015
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    I've mainly worked in residential building before the place I am in now and while I still have some friends that live in some of them I haven't gone to the actually properties to visit. Thinking about it now, it would be nice to stop by and see how much has changed in the last 3 years.