Electric Problems in House..?

Discussion in Home & Garden started by varislost555 • Jun 25, 2012.

  1. varislost555

    varislost555New Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I have been experiencing flickering lights in my home lately. In the garage, one of the lights flickered so much to the point that it stopped working. I went and got a new bulb to put in and when I did, i noticed that the "burntout" lightbulb was loose. i tightened it, and it works again. The only thing is... that bulb was put in tight so i dont know how it loosened itself.

    the next Light is one of the lights in the kitchen. It flickers alot.. I put the bulb in, i tighten it, then it flickers. it burnsout. I put a new bulb in and it keeps happening. this light has 2 light bulbs in it, but only 1 bulb is flickerig and burning out way before its bulb life.

    now the dryer.. the other day, i was drying clothes and thn the cycle stopped. the dryer mustve been off for like 5-15mins when i heard a LOUD bang coming frm mygarage. I went to see if something fell but nothing did, then I heard another loud bang and went back in the garage,
    this time i noticed the door to the electric switchboard was closed. i never leave it closed. but there it was closed, and when i opened it, i saw that the dryer switch had been moved to neutral or off.. No one is in this house but me and what i dont understand is... how can an appliance trip if its not even on?

    well Today, the dryer was on, and then i heard a loud bang and went to the switchboard and saw that the dryer was again moved to neutral/off. there was a smoky smell coming from the dryer but there was no smoke and no smok coming out fromthe vent outside.

    the dryer lint trap is alwys clean and i clean the vent going to the outside, this is lke acomplete mystery to me. im gonna have to get an electrician to figure this out but if there are any electricians who can tell me what this might be, please let me know!

    oh yea, now the foyer lightblinks too and i tightened it and its fine. even when the new bulb i put in and tighten it, it will blink a day or to later. i go and check and i see that the bulb is loose again! what a dumb question this might be , but could it be possible that the energy from the electricity in my house is causing the lightbulbs to loosen? and what about all the other stuff?

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    #1Jun 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  2. Pat

    PatWell-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    This does not sound safe. If you smelled smoke you want a professional to check it out. The safety is cutting it off for a reason. Good Luck.
  3. dissn_it

    dissn_itActive Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    It sounds like it is just throwing the breaker. It does this to prevent an electrical problem from starting a fire. You do need to get an electrician to look into the wiring of your house as soon as you can. It sounds like you have some major issues with it. I have never heard of light bulbs coming loose all by themselves before!
  4. artifactsofmars


    Jun 21, 2012
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    You have a serious problem there. It may be cheap to fix. I once had a similar problem. I would hear a pop and then the lights would go out. Or the lights would go out and then I would hear the pop, I don't know which. I was living in a trailer at the time. What I came to find out was that I had a fuse that was loose. I think I had to buy a new fuse or something but I tightened everything up and that fixed the problem. You need to do something, and I mean today!
  5. SEA81

    SEA81Active Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Do you live in an older house? It could be that the wiring is bad or not modern enough to handle your current usage. This reminds me of what happened at my parents' house when I was younger. Now, have of their outlets do not work, but that's just because they never got it fixed.
  6. myrepairspecialist

    myrepairspecialistNew Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    A house contains a multifarious and unified system of electrical wiring, most of which is concealed within the walls. Finding an electrical problem, such as appliances or light not working is not an easy job. The problem must be tapering down in some way to find out the root cause. This process is called troubleshooting. Use these guidelines to learn how to troubleshoot electrical troubles in house wiring.
    Find out the wiring section of the house that has the trouble.
    Unplug all appliances and turn off all lights on the affected circuit.
    Set the new breaker
    Unplug the appliance that caused the breaker to trip
    Call a certified electrician