Health Insurance - Do You Have It? If In North America, Obama Care?

Discussion in Health & Beauty started by H.C. Heartland • Mar 19, 2015.

  1. H.C. Heartland

    H.C. HeartlandActive Member

    May 8, 2014
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    I know there have been several posts on insurance but I didn't see any talking about the new North American Obama care. Do you have it? Do you think it is enough to cover your needs. Can you use it and supplement for other things that it doesn't cover? If you are in a country that doesn't have insurance, what do you do to ensure you will be covered for medical costs? This has been an age long debate that has no end. But as we get older we begin to think more seriously about health care and our future. I like the idea that under Obama care pre-existing conditions are not rejected. We were burned on this once because a Dr. put it in our records even though all he did was take a look at my husband, hand us a brochure, and say, 'you have that'. No tests, no nothing else, just a life long record of having a pre-existing condition that caused any insurance we had to go up or not accept us. It was a skin condition to boot!
  2. kjonesm1

    kjonesm1Active Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    That doctor sounds like a real jerk! Luckily for me and my family I have always been covered by my employer and my children are eligible for Medicaid. None of us have any medical conditions, health issues or medications. Sorry to hear about your predicament, let us know how it goes.