How To Invest In Your Computers And Electronic Devices

Discussion in Computers, Electronics & Gadgets started by radzi • Apr 23, 2015.

  1. radzi

    radziActive Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    I own two desktop computers, one laptop, one tablet and a smartphone. I have seen that you can actually invest in your computers and electronic devices, and I was wondering if you guys know of any ways, please share with us.

    My way of investing through my electronic devices

    After doing some research online I found that you can actually start a small VPS service, which is basically Virtual Private Server that many people look for. A virtual private server is where people can use your device, or computer to store their files or host servers for their own particular reasons, and if you have an extra computer that you do not use, you can set it up and put an offer on it to be paid after calculating electricity and internet usage and making extra profit monthly, as long as what you're doing is actually legal, so if you're interested in this method, look it up online and make sure you're following all of the rules and it's completely legal so that you have nothing to worry about.

    Another way to invest your money is by offering your devices as a hotspot Wifi which people have to pay for in order for them to use. By that I mean setting up your several devices as a virtual router. There are many quality software out there that you can use that would turn your computer into a virtual router and set up certain features that can help you with your plan to gain some profit out of it. And once again, as long as it's completely legal within your situation, you can do it without a worry.

    The last way is known to be the most effective, which is, setting up your own website and running it as a server on your own machine and generate traffic. Your device would have to be on constantly as people coming in to your website would have to connect through your hosted server, which of course, would be hosted on your device. Through ads and different planning on how you can make money off of your hosted website, you can actually make quite a lot if you're generating a lot of traffic. The only thing that you'd need to do is think of something that's actually creative and it does take sometime, but it's worth it.

    One thing I forgot to mention is, you can use your computer for business related and money making online methods. It's not bad but it makes extra money at the end of the month which I think is worth it since you're investing in an extra device.

    These are the ways which I think are effective, they are for me, I don't know if they would be for you but I thought I would share it. If you have any way in which you use to invest in your extra electronic devices and computers, please share it with us, we would love to know.
  2. troutski

    troutskiWell-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    I'd say this is all pretty solid advice. Most people aren't going to run into legal issues as long as they're diligent and know how to protect themselves. The average person won't do most of these tactics because they won't have the slightest idea how to start, though.
  3. radzi

    radziActive Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    I totally agree with you troutski, but if they are dedicated they can find plenty of tutorials online. Thank you for reading my post though, I appreciate it.
  4. Aladar

    AladarWell-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Starting a VPS business is an awful idea, as I doubt that most people will have enough computer and internet security knowledge to not only protect themselves, but especially their clients. And trust me, VPS services are the ripest of targets for any hacker.
  5. radzi

    radziActive Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    You're right, which is why I stated that they need to have knowledge of it and look it up so they know they are doing it legally, but also securely. I personally have a lot of computer knowledge and experience since I've worked in the IT field and I don't need a lot of guidance and I have enough support to make it through with a VPS. But always, you're right, people need to be careful but also not do it if they aren't knowledgeable and experienced enough. Unless, they're so sure they have gained enough knowledge to secure it and do it legally.
  6. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I've heard of some programs in the past where you could watch videos for some points which can be converted to cash and from my research I found a lot of people were buying cheap android tablets to increase the devices being used to watch the videos, although I think by now there have been fixes on the site to prevent that. As for myself, I consider it an investment to buy a good laptop because I use it for work since I design graphics for a living, so I try and spend a little over average for when I buy devices.
  7. radzi

    radziActive Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    That's great. I also program and can use both my desktop PC's and my laptop to program. I think that's what's nice off of these devices is that they are worth it. But I also love the fact that we can have a lot of knowledge through the internet that can help us with daily things.
  8. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    Yeah the only downside is that I actually need a fairly good laptop or computer which ends up costing a lot just because a lot of my design programs are very weighty and memory hungry. It means I have to spend a lot initially but in time I fortunately am able to earn a good amount of it back through getting work online for side income.
  9. radzi

    radziActive Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    Yeah, that is a downside. But I think it would be worth it in the end since you are able to earn a good amount as you've said. Normally, good computers are really good to invest in, if you're a programmer or a designer, you can make lots of money by being a freelancer.