Making Your Own Ground Beef?

Discussion in Food & Drink started by FirstBaby2011 • Sep 14, 2012.

  1. FirstBaby2011

    FirstBaby2011Active Member

    Aug 21, 2012
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    My husband and I moderately follow a paleo diet and are constantly buying ground beef. However, the beef prices here are steadily increasing. A little while back, I purchased a large package of reduced beef tips and ground it in my food processor. It tasted okay, but you could definitely tell that it was not originally ground beef, if that makes
    sense. We like to buy pretty lean meat, at around 90/10 ratio, so I'm not interested in compromising much in that area, but I'm generally open to any other ideas.

    -Does anyone out there grind their own meat to save money?
    -If so, what cuts of meat work the best and are affordable?
    -Is there a special way you cook it to make it more palatable?

    Thank you!