On Being Disciplined

Discussion in Online Shopping started by Denis Hard • Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Denis Hard

    Denis HardWell-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
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    The net is awash with offers. Offers which on first glance you'd think you won't see again for a really long time. It's easier therefore to be tempted.

    Supposing you stumble into such an offer and you want to buy the item which you don't urgently need what would you do? The right answer would be to save enough money first then . . .

    But since you can use your credit card to get whatever you want instantly once you make that purchase you might find it hard to attain the saving goals you set. To avoid complications of this nature, it's important to exercise restraint [on spending money you don't have]. There are always offers and great deals on the net. If you miss out on one today, maybe next month you might find a better deal. Resist the urge and . . . save a lot.

    Maybe it would even be better not to visit shopping sites unless you want to buy something with money that you already have in your bank account.
  2. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I have this problem as I like to browse shopping sites when I'm just bored and I always end up craving the need to make purchase even though I know I'll probably be better off saving the money and spending it on something else. During times like this I try and think about the bigger things I want to buy so I don't end up spending everything on the smaller things and end up not having enough to buy my larger items. This way I get to save myself from wasting my money at present and by the end I can get rewarded for it, but it admit it's not easy and sometimes I do tend to give in.
  3. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I used to be guilty of retail therapy when I am sad or bored, but now not anymore. I tend to avoid shopping websites now so that I won't have to spend my money on things that I don't need. Although nowadays I tend to buy soda and junk food often, but that's another story.
  4. tckc

    tckcNew Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    I am definitely guilty of finding ideas of items to buy on one site and them immediately buying those items on one of my "usual" sites. There are a few sites, like amazon and ebay, where I trust the service and prices. So if I find something I want to buy, I will check the price on my favorite stores and usually buy it there. It helps that I have a amazon prime account. If I had to pay shipping, it might be a different story.

    The only thing I buy instore these days is clothing. That is because I like to try stuff on before I buy it. Pretty much everything else is bought online from my standard stores.