Perfect WIWOFIT Wireless Charger

Discussion in Product Reviews started by charliehill • Apr 3, 2014.

  1. charliehill

    charliehillNew Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I broke last phone by knocking it off the table with the charging cable plugged in, that’s why buying this.
    I love it’s perfect well working with Nexus 5. The LED as well as beeper doesn't bother me at all it is very quiet, and in fact I sort of like it as a signal to the phone's identification of charging. They told me the phone gives another beep when the phone is fully charged, I didn't realize this, I only charge at night and sleep till morning. It seems to charge at the same speed of wire, and I love the convenience factor, hope to get a white one in my office when they have in stock.

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