Printing Photos From Off Your Computer

Discussion in Computers, Electronics & Gadgets started by sunnyside • Apr 21, 2016.

  1. sunnyside

    sunnysideActive Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    These days, with the advent of the digital camera, many people no longer keep physical copies of photos taken and store them in an album. The photos would be all stored on the computer or IPad. However, photos which are taken with a digital camera can also be printed off so that one can have physical copies of these photos if desired. Personally, I like to have physical copies of some of my photos, not necessarily all of them. If I want to show these photos to anyone, I can just take up my album and let them have a look through it, rather than having them sit at a computer to scroll through the photos. In my opinion, having albums to look through is still a good alternative.

    Do any of you print off any of your photos which you have stored on your computer, or do you prefer to just view all of them straight from your computer? Do you think albums are still relevant today?
  2. Ke Gordon

    Ke GordonWell-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I haven't actually attempted to print any of my digital photos. It is a good idea. It is a great idea it is one of the many ways you can get the pictures you want to save. It is just one of these ways that having a digital camera can benefit you. I can think of some pictures I have taken I would like to save too.