Stores You Never buy From . . . Or Shouldn't?

Discussion in Misc & Others started by Denis Hard • Dec 28, 2014.

  1. Denis Hard

    Denis HardWell-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
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    I came across a review of a store. The writers advised everyone who read the review to buy nothing from the store because the store's owners had at some time said they were against gay marriage. Would the anti-gay sentiments of store owners keep you from buying anything from their store?
  2. Lushlala

    LushlalaWell-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I'd seriously have to have heard them say it because as we all know, there's ALWAYS two sides to a story. In recent times we've heard of fashion house Tommy Hilfiger being a self proclaimed racist who hates it when Black people buy his merchandise. As we've since found out, that amounted to a down and dirty smear campaign launched to tarnish the brand. The latest one circulating apparently is McDonald's, also spewing the same hatred about not wanting Black customers.

    I'm a HUGE Gay community supporter and I hate ALL forms of discrimination and bigoted individuals. So my answer is yes, if there was concrete evidence that those words had ever left the owner's lips, then I'd have to make a stand. I would totally STOP buying from that store, I would not endorse them and I would tell anyone who cared to know, exactly what sorts of views they held.
  3. Feneth

    FenethActive Member

    Dec 24, 2014
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    I personally chose not to shop at certain stores for all sorts of reasons. The most recent one I no longer use is one where I witnessed the owner treating an employee very poorly. In the case of gay rights, I think that's a very good reason to not use a specific store if there is proof of the statement of the owners feelings. If they're that against gay people, I'm sure they don't want the money from people who actually believe in equality. I'm also somewhat shocked and appalled by the number of places who want to stop coverage for birth control.
  4. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Many people will say it's silly, but if you were to think of a store taking a stand against anyone else or financially supporting the downfall of anyone else.. people of colour, white people, the disabled, people with your name, people with curly hair, people that wear clothes lol.. you'll start to see how ridiculous it is and how down right mean. It's not silly to refrain from lining the pockets of bigoted people. They'll still have plenty of business from the ignorant or like minded, so I won't be missed anyway, but it matters to me very much. Same with the whole sweat shop thing. Too many big names use them.

    I wish more people would pay attention to who they're paying to be cruel.
  5. Theo

    TheoWell-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2014
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    We all have ethics and we can't always agree with how certain companies run, but we can choose not shop with them, but what does that help you or them? It means you pay more for things or won't have certain products if people give you them as gifts.

    For example Walmart in the US and Tesco in the UK have dubious business practices, but I still shop at them if I have to because they stock what I need at the cheapest price. Not everyone has the luxury of choosing where they shop on morals. You can protest, but those companies will carry on regardless. I don't agree with them and avoid them if I can, but these places provide jobs for people too.