Weight loss

Discussion in Sports & Fitness started by kato24785 • Jun 16, 2014.

  1. kato24785


    Jun 16, 2014
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    can we loss weight without exercise or not?
  2. deansaliba

    deansalibaActive Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    Exercise doesn't have to mean running or going to the gym, a nice walk every day is what a lot of people stop at and that is fine. But if you think you're going ot lose weight by siting in a chair watching TV then I'm afraid that isn't going to happen. :)
  3. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    Yes you can actually. Through FASTING. This is going long periods without food. It's actually good for you to do if you follow the right program and eat a healthy diet.

    Try this.. Tomorrow, don't eat until 2pm and then eat once more at 6pm. This will be a starting point. Then have your first meal of the day. Eat healthy fats, green veggies and drink water. You will be doing this for every single meal. Well, chances are you are not strong enough to follow this, but if you are then you will see great results. it's personal choice, be weak or be strong.

    The next day you will wait until 3pm to have your first meal. The second meal should be a small one. Eat it at 6pm and have nothing after that. Again, you wont be eating until 3pm the next day.

    I recommend having one meal at 6pm and having that meal be your only meal for the day, It gives your body a boost. Allows it to cleanse itself from all the junk you shove down your hole.

    when you do eat, your meals need to be good meals. If you really want to see good results, make avocados, spinach and asparagus your best friends while also eating some chicken with olive oil. You can prepare this to be one single meal. It will have everything your body needs in it. Healthy fats and amino acids. These are what the body uses to create strong protein cells throughout the body.

    You life will change quickly as your body is detoxified. A lot of the "fat" you think you have, is not fat - it's infection. All of the toxic foods and drinks people consume, create infected cells that can store throughout your body.

    Toxins are the only enemy. Fasting helps eliminate them.

    When your body goes long periods of time without food, it feeds on the unhealthy cells before anything else. This is why when you are sick you dont feel hungry. Your body is feeding off of the infected cells trying to make you healthy again. Fasting is good for you.
  4. Lostvalleyguy

    LostvalleyguyActive Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Losing weight without exercise is a simple matter of taking in fewer calories than you burn in a day. For someone who is getting no exercise the number of calories will be determined by you basal metabolic rate. Your fat-to-muscle ratio will impact this number.

    The flaw in this idea is that we tend to lose the wrong weight when we get no exercise and diet this way. Our bodies see no need for the muscle and will begin to break it down rather than cannibalizing the fat stores. Fasting can be done correctly as JaydenTyler pointed out but doing it the wrong way can lead to problems.

    I recommend getting in some exercise if your intention is to lose weight. You will lose if more rapidly and you will lose more of the fat than the muscle.
  5. whnuien

    whnuienActive Member

    May 2, 2014
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    I agree with @deansaliba.

    All I do is take a walk everyday and eat healthily of course. You will not lose any by not doing anything at all. Exercise should be done in a healthy way too, same goes for eating.
  6. Jessi

    Jessi<a href="http://www.quirkycookery.com">QuirkyCooke

    Mar 31, 2012
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    And while the method of fasting mentioned above would also help you lose weight in the short term, your body would quickly gain it back afterward you return to a normal eating style because it'll be coming out of starvation mode. I really don't recommend it.
  7. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    One thing that needs to be said is that calories are not an accurate measurement when it comes to people that do not know how to eat properly. You can have 1500 calories and be eating super healthy or pure junk.

    I recommend watching PhysiquesOfGreatness on youtube and google "Chris Jones POG". He has a website where he will become your personal trainer online. He's a great personal trainer if you need one. And if you dont want to spend any more, just watch his youtube videos. But i strongly recommend checking out his diet plans. They arent free, but will have you looking great in no time and more importantly, you will learn how to stay in healthy form.

    That is what a personal trainer does, he/she teaches you how to do something. People go to them for advice more then anything. If you need advice, go to one of your local personal trainers or as I said, checkout Chris Jones. He's a big name in the fitness industry. His name is growing rapidly. He's a cool guy, I met him a few times.
  8. 003

    003Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    You can lose weight by just changing your diet or not eating at all. But not eating at all is very dangerous that you might want to avoid yourself from that leaving you only one option left which is a healthy diet. 2000 calories are the amount of energy the body spends everyday without you doing nothing, even when you are just sleeping all day. Assuming that you are doing nothing, you could decrease you caloric intake to 1500 that each day you spend 500 calories that you are not able to make up with the foods that you are eating. In 7 days you would have spent 3500 calories which is equivalent to 1 pound. So in 28 days or roughly a month, you will lose 4 lbs. Continue this for the 10 months without exercise, after those months, you would have lost 40 lbs.
  9. mikegary

    mikegaryNew Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.

    Since 3,500 calories equals about one pound of fat, if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'll lose approximately one pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). Simple right? Then why is weight loss so hard?

    All too often, we make weight loss much more difficult than it needs to be with extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving, unhealthy lifestyle choices that undermine our dieting efforts, and emotional eating habits that stop us before we get started. But there’s a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. By making smart choices every day, you can develop new eating habits and preferences that will leave you feeling satisfied—and winning the battle of the bulge.
  10. Pat

    PatWell-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Very good points in the above post. Reducing the amount of food and sugar you take in will help you to lose weight whether you exercise or not. You should also drink lots of water to help clean your system of toxins that you have stored in your body.
  11. owesem75

    owesem75Active Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    To simply answer the question, YES. You can lose weight even without exercise.. just control what you eat and you'll be fine. However, I encourage you to do exercise, not necessary as part of your losing weight, but your body also needs it.
  12. Hurin

    HurinNew Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Only if you have a high basal metabolism and you aren't eating excessively. But NOT exercising is a very bad idea. Leading a sedentary lifestyle puts you at increased risk of heart disease and can create various other health problems. It's best to look at your health in perspective rather than only focusing on your weight.

    @JaydonTaylor: I've heard a lot about detoxification programs but I've seen very little by way of factual evidence. Maybe you can point me to some studies which show that detox actually works. Science actually tells us that your liver is your detox machine. So as long as your liver is working fine, you don't need to go to extremes like fasting to detox. And if you are taking toxic substances, then you would be damaging your liver anyway. Occasional fasting isn't going to reverse any of that damage.
  13. isabbbela

    isabbbelaWell-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    You can lose weight without exercise. Losing weight is relatively simple if you don't have medical/hormonal issues on the way: if you put in less calories that you burn, you will lose weight. It varies how much and in how long, but you will. Exercises keep you healthy, prevent loss of lean muscles and make you lose weight faster, but it isn't essential to lose it.
  14. 003

    003Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Of course you can. Weight gain is all about your caloric intake. You gain weight when your caloric intake is greater than your caloric output. So you need to have more caloric output and less of caloric gain to lose weight. So if you don't want to go for an exercise, make sure that you cut down your daily average food intake. But losing weight without exercise will be harder and more boring. It feels good to exercise, and you will know it once you do it. It's only hard at first, but once that you get the hang of it, you'll love it.