21 Ways To Eat Your Water

Discussion in Health & Beauty started by gata montes • Aug 11, 2015.

  1. KimmyMarkks

    KimmyMarkksActive Member

    Nov 12, 2015
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    Fruits and veggies are one of the best ways to drink your water. Watermelon is a fruit that is mostly water, as with other melons. Just be careful because fruits although healthy for you have a lot of sugar in them. Vegetables such as celery also contain a ton of water. These are helpful foods for people who often don't drink enough water.
  2. TheLovingLeah

    TheLovingLeahActive Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Yeah I admit I do not take in as much water as I should haha. My mother always has to tell me to. "Drink water! Drink water! Drink water!" Then she tells me "that was only a teaspoon of water," whenever I do drink some. I mostly love water with certain foods I eat, and then I drink loads of water. Watermelon is my favorite fruit so I would LOVE eating that for lots of water. I am bad on not eating vegetables... I am just always after everything else but it. So yeah I am definitely not getting water out of those.
  3. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Consider yourself to be lucky. I can only wish that my mother had drilled the importance of water drinking into me from when I was a child. I feel like I would probably be a lot healthier now. I even feel like I might have been able to avoid some of the health issues that I had when I was around the age of ten, and now have altered my life currently.
  4. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    That and fiber. People are in their condition now because the typical diet is so devoid of fiber and it's so very very damaging to the digestive track. It's also heavily devoid of moisture (which makes the hydration thing even worse). If people just ate foods containing as much water as possible, both problems would be taken care of. You don't NEED to drink your water.. I don't and I'm quite hydrated lol. Well.. except for coffee. And despite what most people think, it does count.. and it's quite officey ;)
  5. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yes, fibre is very important. I used to suffer with terrible constipation to the point where I would be so packed up that I would suffer bouts of vomiting and abdominal pains. I even had to go to the doctor for it. They gave me something to get things moving again, and told me to drink lots of water, never mentioning anything about fibre. I know it works both ways though. More fibre you have, the more water you will want. Also, it is nice to see you on here again. I hope that everything is going good with you, hun :) I eat a lot of veg these days, which contain much water.
  6. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Woohoo! I love seeing your diet evolve.. how are you feeling these days?
    I'm doing good, I'm actually here every morning, but have absolutely nothing to contribute to lol. I'm trying! haha. Anyway, my mother was in the same boat.. she was a mess and her doctor told her to "take fiber".. so she took fiber and blech, dumb. I was so upset with him.. he didn't even ask about her diet. I gently gave her suggestions, but of course, I'm not a doctor so you can't take me seriously. Flashforward a couple years and my mother, in her deseperate state, finally gave in and listened to her delusional daughter and has now lost her issues and all of her extra weight she stopped trying to lose ages ago. I'm not saying I'm the shit... but I am ;) jk.. people are waking up to the food/issues connection and I'm stoked :)
  7. gata montes

    gata montesActive Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Ah now - although it is in a sense true - that we don't need to drink water in order to keep our bodies adequately hydrated - for the simple reason - that water is in fact only recommended as it is generally widely available - as well as calorie, caffeine and alcohol-free and therefore - as the human body doesn't really care what form the fluid comes in as long as it gets it - the source of the fluid isn't really that important.

    I would however just add that - even allowing for the fact the recommended guidelines for total daily fluid intake set by The Institute of Medicine - are exactly that - only guidelines - not hard and fast rules set in stone - due to the fact that - as fluid requirement varies from person to person as well as from day to day and is also - very dependent on many factors such as state of health, climate, how active someone is, individual body mass, how much or how little someone perspires or how often they urinate - further complicated by other factors such as medical conditions or medication etc - which can affect the amount of water each individual needs to consume - its virtually impossible to have one single formula that would suit everyone.

    We do all - regardless of our diet - need to consume an additional amount of fluid in order for our bodies to remain adequately hydrated and functioning correctly - particularly when bearing in mind - that even the healthiest of diets containing a large amount of high water content foods - would at best only meet between 20 - 30% of our daily fluid requirement - or to put it more simply - as that amount only provides the body with enough fluid to avoid dehydration - its is necessary to consume extra fluid in addition to the foods we eat - as doing that ensures - that all our organs and everything in our bodies are functioning at optimum levels.

    Which brings me to - although not wishing wishing to digress from the topic of hydration too much - that yes I too would agree that people should be encouraged to add more fiber to their diet and do also see eating fluid this way would be beneficial in that sense - as some of the more recent responses are still leading me to believe that I could perhaps have worded my original post more clearly.

    Just to clarify once again - the tip contained here of eating high water content foods is NOT meant as a means of fluid replacement for those that do already drink an adequate amount of fluid on a daily basis or in fact for anything other - than a healthy alternative for those that DON'T drink enough fluid or worse still don't drink any fluid at all - especially as - eating any of the foods listed in the chart is thought to supply enough fluid to avoid the debilitating and very unpleasant effects of total dehydration.
  8. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Lmao! I always manage to find something that I can comment on here ;) :) I am feeling good diet wise, though I have had a few slip ups but that is mainly due to trying to find snacks that go with my current diet. I have cut out all processed foods and most sugar, except for the molasses. All I eat is vegetables and all I drink is water. Getting a water filter for Christmas too :) But the snacking part is where my weak spot is, as it is hard to find snacks that go with my current diet. My ex and I remained friends after we broke up, and it just came out last night that the entire time she was still hung up on her ex gf, and with everything else that went on during our relationship, I had to cut her out of my life. So that is kind of ruling my emotional state right now, but the biggest thing is forgiving myself for allowing someone that toxic into my space, especially when I am such a special person. Other than that I am good, thank you for asking, hun :) It is good to hear that you just have nothing to say, and are not going through any type of hardship though :) :) :) Though, I know you always have nothing to say.

    I would have punched that doctor straight in the ballsack!!! Especially when it comes to your mother as well!!! Luckily though, she had you to tell her the extra information that was necessary when she visited that incompetent doctor. I will always HATE that whole doctors know best and that is that. Foolish is the man who thinks he knows everything, whether that applies to just one subject or what. At this point though, I actually think they know that they don't know everything realistically. But the compassion is the health business is gone.
  9. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yes I agree.. I capped "need", because I do agree for the most part and have gone on about it ad nauseam in other posts (maybe not even in this forum.. gah, my memory lol, must need more water lol), but if you could get enough water via food with enough effort (sorry, just my thoughts), you most certainly don't need a car load of water every day and it doesn't even have to BE an effort. We are very privileged, it shouldn't even be a discussion. My thoughts were more "see? it's not as hard as you think.. you don't have to drink 205 glasses a day!" lol. And of course, my thoughts on food are ON TOP of what everyone is already doing, if anything at all.

    I tend to summarize in a way that leaves my thoughts wide open (in places like this anyway) and I likely will even now. You don't NEED to drink your water, but of course, most people should because most people in developed nations not only have access and should take advantage, but they don't eat a proper diet and get nowhere near the amount they should. Then yes, taking into account the other factors you've mentioned is a must. On hotter days, especially when I've been active, I up my intake quite a bit and I don't want to overeat just to do that lol. I mentioned elsewhere (here? there?) that I believe fully the body will tell you and I don't believe when you're thirsty it's too late.. it's right on time. Although I guess I should word that around those who ignore those signs or don't know the language. But once you're peeing out your efforts every five minutes, I don't see a big advantage, so yes.. I do think food CAN be enough and I don't for a minute believe anyone reading will go about it that way because McDonalds. Again, it just depends, but the more the merrier! :) As long as we're listening and watching the signs, and of course catering to them, I do believe we're making quite a bigger deal out of it than necessary. But of course, nobody is hurting themselves if they're drinking much more (sorry.. MOST people.. I hate watching my words so carfully lol), unless going overboard as some people think they must.

    "my thoughts", "I believe" etc etc.. I would never say my way is an absolute truth.

    I've probably done it again, but I come here most days before my brain has even woken up lol.. and can we edit later when we realize our errors? NooooOOOoOoOoOo ;)
  10. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    LOL the violence Dreekster.. I'd rather not get myself arrested haha. I was actually nowhere near her appointment or I would have said something. I never know until after the fact and with the amount of appointments she's had over the last few years, I expect a heck of a lot more advancement in her health. Then I step in and of course he's taking credit for her sudden improvement. Oh well. All that matters is she's listening now and her doctor is happy, so all is well for now.

    When you're eating right, slip ups are not slip ups. Unless they hurt, of course. Is that what you mean? Otherwise, don't start getting hard on yourself, it's no biggie. I remember that part of the transition and it is hard.. but for me it was tweaking my idea of what "snack" even means and realizing that what I had grown acustomed to texture and taste wise, wasn't what was best for me anyway. It's very hard to mimic those things with healthful foods. Although I'm thinking of getting a dehydrator to help in that area.. but baking helps too. Depends what you're going for.. are you a crunchy snacker or a chewy snacker or...? I'm still getting used to the snack bit, because I'm not much of a snacker anymore.. I eat till I'm full until I'm hungry enough for a meal again. I'm not usually hungry in between and if I am, I grab some fruit or something easy because I'm lazy lol. When I DO snack on snacky things, it's now much different than what I used to eat.. even at the beginning of my transition. You evolve.. your eating evolves and eventually it becomes like breathing. I don't envy anyone just getting started though.. you really have to tweak the brain for a lot of it lol, we're so conditioned it's unfunny. Are you eating enough per meal? Do you literally only eat veggies? lol.. if so, I think I found your problem ;)

    I'm sorry to hear about your realization, but you're right.. you're a special person. Extremely special and you deserve nothing less in the person you end up with. Cliche cliche cliche. BUT we have to take our chances to find them and your ex was just that and a stepping stone to the perfect person for you.. on to the next! lol. I don't mean to minimize it, but I think you know by now I just want you to smile.. choose happy and yadda yadda blah blah, right?? Right! Cutting people out is never easy.. break ups are never easy.. but you've got your head on straight and know you're worthy of greatness, which makes the process a bit easier. I hope so anyway. If not, I still have friends here for you to choose from ;)

    PS: I actually am going through a hardship at the moment, but it's just that.. a moment in comparison to the rest of my life and it's my own personal stepping stone. I can see the end and all that, so I keep my eye on the prize and push through excited to see the results. Until then, I keep rational and happy.. anything else is counterproductive :)

    You're right.. I never have ANYthing to say lmao!!
  11. gata montes

    gata montesActive Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Being totally honest JosieP - I really can't see much point in discussing this topic any further - as any comments relating to the original subject matter are now irrelevant - due to the fact that they would be totally lost - now that this thread has digressed into one - where rather than add beneficial content - personal conversations relating to matters better discussed via PM or on social media sites such as Facebook are more important than the topic of this thread - which is I have to say - both rude and disrespectful - not just to the person who took the time to create the thread - but more importantly - to those who are actually interested in the original subject matter.
  12. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yep, agreed. Our conversations tend to morph and for that I apologize to the OP (and any OP to follow lol) it's unintentional. And agreed again, no need for us to discuss this topic any further.. nor any to follow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day, gata :)
  13. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    That was totally I typo. It was supposed to say that I know that you never don't have anything to say lol. Sometimes you must be prepared to get yourself arrested :p If I was your mother, I would have communicated to the doctor that it was not his instructions that set her on the right path, but rather yours.

    I classify them as slip ups because I am trying to give my body and digestive system a chance to heal, and eating right in order to do that. I think my body is so far gone that even the slightest of slip ups interrupt the rest that I am trying to give my body, so I feel like I have to start over again, although I am aware that that is not strictly what is happening. What is a dehydrator? Never heard of it. Is it like a steamer but in reverse? The snacking usually happens when there is nothing healthy cooked, and I cannot be bothered to do so, so I will grab something that is not in keeping with my water, veg, fish, and egg diet. Thank you so much for this reassurance and advice. I can definitely see how the eating patterns evolve. There was a time when I never thought that I would ever cut out soda and juices in favor of drinking water. But water is literally all I drink, along with coconut water these days. It is like breathing. I am eating enough per meal :) Sometimes instead of having a snack, I will just drink more water. I also know that there is a lot of water in certain fruits.

    No, it is definitely a situation that does not suffer from being minimized. I have known who she was for a long time, which is why I broke up with her. The thing that I could not look past though, was her willingness to take everything good from me, knowing that at best she would have just been settling, especially when I am who I am - an amazingly fantastic soul, with many things to offer in that realm. A part of me also knows that she told me what she did because a part of her hates me, or relationships. It was how she was trying to get her power back. But I was not going to let her use me as a stepping stone. Lol. Thank you so much, JosieP :) On the other hand, it is never pleasing for me to hear that you are experiencing hardship, but the fact that it is you gives me relief in the sense that I know your mind is strong, as is your focus. Whatever it is trying to teach you, go with it!!!! I know you are wise enough to deal with it in the best way for you.

    Also, there were definitely relevant points made in mine and JosieP's posts as it pertains to the thread topic. But we veered off, as we often do. I do not think it is disrespectful. But everybody has an opinion. We touch on the topic at hand often enough, and give people extras ;) It is not too difficult to keep strictly to the thread matter for those who are not involved in the discussion that JosieP and I were having. Also, it was me who sort of started with the personal talk first.
  14. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Ah, gotcha.. my husband goes through the same thing. His guts will likely always be healing, so when he eats outside our health bubble, he regrets it. Whether people seem healthy or not, you have to wonder how these foods are "fine" when they make sick people sicker and healthful foods don't (in general.. obviously certain people have issue with certain foods). This is why most people don't change their ways until they've experienced a scare of some sort. Those foods were never fine.. the accumulation brought them here. NOW they'll start listening lol. So yes.. once you feel well again, slip ups won't bother you unless they continue consistently or it's a specific food that really impacts.. until then, get your mitts on some good recipe sites! I'm sure you have, but get prepared for the next need to fend for yourself. And if you ever ever ever ever drink water instead of eating when you're hungry again, I'm going to caps lock you SO hard! ;)

    Anyway, I can understand how us getting off topic can be annoying to those who actually follow the threads. That's why it's so easy to go off like this.. hardly anyone does! lol. They come, they post, they leave.. and we know why. Those who do come to learn, probably don't want to also learn about our personal lives LOL. That said though, forums are for discussion and we're discussing and we usually stay on topic no matter how the conversations morph. I think you and I are two of a VERY few in this place that encourages back and forth on the actual topics as well, so this place should be thanking us, not shaming us lol. And how is friendship something to shame anyway? I'll be more than happy to leave the site if someone wants to report our conversing. Until then, this isn't a posting camp or... school! lol. I'd be very happy to see more people in here getting to know each other and morphing their convos to learn more from each other. It's a GOOD thing. It takes only a second to either skim these parts or skip the posts altogether.
    One life...

    So.. water.... I ate some today :D
    #34Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
  15. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    My older sister and I were just talking about this the other day - about how some foods were and are never fine. But it just takes some time for your body to get to the stage where it can no longer deal with the 'punishment' so to speak, and then alert you to the fact that it is in need of actual nourishment as opposed to what you were putting inside of it before. I don't know how to feel about your husband's gut never truly healing? I am looking at it from two perspectives, but at the same time I do think that some people require a certain type of nourishment to maintain health as well as promote it. But then again, the body is resilient. So we often put it through diet trauma for years before it starts to cry out, and so it makes sense that it would take just as long to heal, you know? LOL. Sometimes there are no healthy foods available, so I opt to drink water to keep from eating the crappy stuff, which I know I shouldn't. But I try to make the best of what I have at the time. i realize that my organization and preparation must be better though :)

    My sentiments exactly!!!!!! ;) Get out of my head, would you? lol :) :) :)

    Hahaha!!! I am in the middle of chomping on some warm water as I type ;)
  16. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yes, exactly.. so the "I eat whatever whatever and I'm just fine" crew shouldn't speak so soon. Give it time grasshoppers.. give it time. As for my husbands guts, he tortured them his entire life (and often once damaged, especially for long periods of time, they'll never truly be the same). He even ignored allergies he was diagnosed with when he was a child and neglected to tell me of them. The entire first half of our marriage he was always in agony and I couldn't figure out why (he's obviously not a fan of doctors lol).. come to find out he already knew why and neglected to remember haha. Add to that the horrendous diet we ate, which made things faaaaar worse and I'm amazed he's still alive. As long as he sticks to how I tell him to eat (lol goooood boy) his guts are very very happy. But if he goes rogue for too long, he always ends up regretting it. Even if it's what most people would consider just fine.. you know I have totally different thoughts on that lol. I guess he just has to keep testing it, to make sure his body is sure it just wants real food lol. Yes.. yes it does. Cure: Listen to your wife. I dread Christmas.. he has a hard time telling people no when they go out of their way to bake for him etc and it will hurt him again. Even his own mother will bake with his alergies :/

    Could you maybe compromise with the fam? There are plenty of substitutes that could be made where they're still eating the TYPE of food they like, but with less and better ingredients. Contrary to how I write in here, I do have some processed foods in the house lol, they're just as little processed as possible with as few ingredients as possible and most people wouldn't know or care about the difference if given half a chance. Sometimes you do what ya gotta do ;)

    I'm drinking officey water right now.... and my cat is about to attack a bird on my tv, I'm out! lol
  17. TheLovingLeah

    TheLovingLeahActive Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Yeah water is really good. I just mainly drink it when I eat though. Sorry to hear that, I hate that happened to you. I wonder if you could be cured of your health issue. I get this pain A LOT that is cured by water sometimes. So I definitely can see how important water is.
  18. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina IsobeWell-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2015
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    :oops:Water is best for hydration, but it's very good to know we can get water from other sources too! Water is so important that being pregnant means you got to keep 2 people hydrated! Good to know thanks!
  19. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I put it down to improper education, honestly, for most people. People just are not aware of their own bodies, the sensations that take place in them - until something drastic happens such as vomiting, pain, or worse. It is crazy that we lug these things around everywhere that we go, and pay such little attention to them beyond how they appear to others so that we can get laid lol. And your husband is hilarious - the fact that he KNEW all those years and FORGOT? LOL!! How do you forget you have allergies? Especially when you are seeing the consequences of it? You two are cute!!!! :) :) :) And because of this, I have decided not to pursue a relationship with you any longer ;) I am not amazed he is still alive. The body has done more miraculous things, and the mind is in the driver's seat :) Well being abounds!!! Hahaha, you're just like, as long as he does what I tell him to, he will be okay!! I LOVE it!!! Another thing that makes it even harder to eat well, is this GMO stuff. They keep tampering with the natural food for profit and to promote disease. I always say it, but most of us would be better off learning to produce our own veg and fruit. Surely your husband can accept the food and then not eat it?

    Well, yes, sometimes when I have none of my own food, I do have to cave in and eat the processed food. I feel bad after though, which is something that I need to grapple with. I have warm water every morning, on an empty stomach. It has helped with my over all digestive health. But as soon as I get my water filter, I expect that to jump to another level.
  20. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I had the same reaction! You forgot???????? hahaha.. omg, I don't even want to begin to pick that apart, I'm just glad he "suddenly remembered" so I could get him on the road to recovery. He hasn't had an attack in years now, but once in a while his body will kick his butt a little, enough to tell him it's paying attention lol. And yes, it's truly lack of education. Not being able to see our guts is exactly why it's so easy for us all to put our blinders on and continue harming ourselves until our bodies have had enough. And it's not until now that health.. true health and wellness.. has become a thing. Until now it was all about fitness, and healthy eating meant tiny salads and deprivation. That's why most people don't want to get healthy, they see it as torture because of very old ideas and "science". Anyway.. you've heard me say all this before, sorry lol.

    If you're done persuing a relationship, does that mean I can set you up with all my friends now?? lmao.. actually, you might want to stay where you are. Me knowing about your guts will just have me taking care of you and I don't want to annoy you back across the pond haha. Such a waste of money and that wouldn't be good for this forum lmao...

    And to keep things on topic, I just had some clementines a banana and office water.. second breakfast to come lol.