I've also heard that fasting is a great way to detox your body, although never having completed one myself. If you do choose to do a fast, depending on the length of time you plan to do it for, you should prepare your body for the lack of food in the days before you start by eating things that are easily broken down by the body's digestive system (smoothies, fruit etc) and when doing the fast you need to make sure that you are drinking loads of water, and only juice that is pure and does not contain any added sugars/flavours etc. By not consuming food, the blood that is normally used in your digestive system to carry the nutrients around your body no longer needs to do this, and so can go to the rest of your cells around your body and help to repair them. If this is your first fast, it would not be recommended that you do it for more than a few days. Fasting not only benefits your body, but can help you spiritually as well.
there are a lot of great suggestions here about detoxing. but as a bonus don't forget any form of resistance/weight training would really help strengthen those ligaments and tendons also. good luck.
The whole idea of “detoxing” the body is bogus the way it is typically spoken of. In my experience many things called “detox” are something quite different. “Glutathione detox” is usually methyltrap symptoms which are folate deficiency symptoms. “NAC detox” is also usually the same as “Glutathione detox”. “B12 detox” is usually induced folate deficiency symptoms and induced low potassium (which can be fatal). “Folate detox” can be either or both causes already mentioned. These so-called “detox” events are induced nutritional deficiencies that can include 20 or 30 items, one at a time, when what you take is what was limiting your healing. So giving your body all the right nutrition as needed will allow the body to operate properly and deal with actual toxins. So MeCbl (active in humans B12) will combine with cyanide and flush it out of the body, real detoxification. It does the same with arsenic and some other substances. The liver has half of all B12 in thew body in mitochondria making ATP for powering the liver’s enzymes taking care of toxins.
Drink take few glass of water in the morning. Benefits It is a long known secret that drinking water as soon as you get up, i.e. before eating anything, is a good way to purify your internal system. One of the most important results of undergoing this treatment is colon cleansing, which enables better absorption of nutrients from various foods. When there is production of haematopoiesis, better known as “new blood”, you will have immense body restorative effects and you can even be cured of existing ailments. Drinking water the first thing in the morning has the following benefits:
I am not a doctor nor anybody of us here. We are not in the position to tell you on what to do. The only thing we could comment since you have already stopped taking the said antibiotics and probably it was already several weeks or even months. Your body has already absorbed or even secreted it. Therefore, there is no need to detoxify your body. That is only my presumption. I am not in authority to say what to do.
Water is the best remedy gere. 3 l of water flushes away toxins and keeps the kidneys healthy. It is the cheapest, easily available and the safest remedy.
I usually drink green uses or detox water. To the green juice I add kale, ginger, apple, lemon juice, and pairs. I make different detox waters sometimes a cucumber and strawberry, lemon with orange and mint, and one with berries. They are both delicious and refreshing option that are natural and helps restore energy.
The best way to detox is to drink a lot of water. Our body is approximately 80% so we just need to drink to detox. The best time to drink it is when we wake up before eating and between meals, during the meals it's not the best time as water gets mixed up with food and loses the cleansing effect.
I also do believe in water as a very good agent in body cleansing. Drink enough water everyday especially during meals it is one natural way to detox your body as waste are flushed out by the water to be excreted through the kidneys. Enough water will ensure normal circulation too.
Yes I agree with most of the comments. Drink more water as it can help cleanse your body. You can also try making detox water as this can help you flush toxins from your body as well as it also improves your health. What I do is I put cucumber, lemon and grape fruit in a container and add some water then put it in the fridge and let it chill for an hour or 2 before I drink it
Apart from the detoxing part we should always think about the intoxicating part, meaning, we should be careful with what we eat. I have a sensitive stomach and whenever I eat too many unhealthy foods the body immediately complains, so eating properly is the first step to detox.
Well anytime that I have something about a detox for the body it is usually accompanied with a lot of pain and often heating of the body to points where I not sure I would want to do it. It seems that some of these are more subtle though, so I definitely like that.
water therapy is a good method ton detox your body. Every morning before you eat or drink anything, drink 4 glasses of luke warm water. water will not only detox your body, but hydrate your body as well.
Eating two clove of garlic is a nice way to detox our system. Most of the toxic substances get accumulated in liver and the sulfur content of garlic helps to remove it. And as suggested by many here, water is the eternal purifier which instantly could cleanse our system.
Like most I like to detox with water and green tea. It's good to research too online and see the safest way to detox for the particular meds your were taking. As long as you're not allergic to green tea, you'll be okay. Asking your doctor is a good idea too. Good luck.
Every way that I have ever come across seems to be pretty rough, so I am pretty curious about anything that claims to be easier and less of a life-altering event.
The common and easier way to detox the body is by drinking of water. Water helps to flush the body thoroughly and excrete the waste. Also consuming lots of fruits can help detox and clean up our body. I personally in addition to the many other fruits I would recommend lemon. Right from the tongue this fruit start cleaning and detoxifying the body.