You may have heard about Alleradd/Optimind in the news lately, through Elite Daily or Vice, or perhaps another news outlet. It's a nootropic that's designed to help improve your focus and whatnot. It's basically a safe version of Adderall with completely different ingredients. It tries to mimic the effects of Adderall without the potential for overdose or other nasty side effects. It was recently rebranded as Optimind, and I got the chance to try it out for a few days. Basically, I did notice some minor improvements in cognitive function and focus after taking the pill, but it was nothing special. An energy drink would have provided the same boost. I'm sure that other people could benefit from it, whether through actual results or even the placebo effect, not that it matters either way. I'd recommend the free trial, but you might not be willing to put down over $30 for a bottle otherwise.
I'm really into nootropics! I tried Alpha Brain and had similar symptoms, like those you describe. I'm not done though... I'm going to give them another try, in a more controlled manner, and through a longer period of time. This is waaaaaaay more expensive than Alpha Brain though... I'll probably end up giving it a chance too. Did you order the 10 cap?