I've been seeing this a lot and I wonder if it really works. It is an exercising device meant to help you develop your abs. It's like doing sit ups in a more relaxed way because it supports and even massages the back. Has any of you seen or used it?
Most of these devices are pretty unneccesary if you ask me. Good old fashioned cardio to burn fat along with strength training to build muscle is going to be your best bet.
Thanks for sharing, btatro. I figured it would be better to just jog around. I guess manufacturers of these devices are prying on lazy people who wants to lose weight
My sister got the Ab Rocket for Christmas a couple years ago. She ended up selling it on ebay because it doesn't really work like it shows on TV. You are led to think that there's springs that automatically propel you forward without you doing much work, but that isn't so. It just like doing regular sit-ups, but on a seat with rollers. Yes, you could get results from the Ab Rocket, but it's really hard work.
I had been thinking about getting this. I am glad that I stopped in here first. I feel so out of shape and unmotivated, so I thought this might be the answer. Do any of you remember the Bean? It was shown on commercials all the time a few years ago. I bought one with the Flex 10 thing that goes underneath to make it even better. I think I used it twice. It never felt like I was doing anything. Maybe I was doing it wrong or something. I was sure that the Bean was going to be the answer to my not wanting to workout problems. Anyway, time to get back to work. Thanks for the Ab Rocket info, it will save me some money. Have a great day everyone.
I own one. It does not really massage your back, or provide any support to the neck, but the added resistance you get helps tone your abs quicker than doing crunches and sit ups alone. The work out videos that comes with it show you how to position your body in various ways to work as many muscles as possible. When I first started using it I went down 3 pant sizes in a matter of two weeks. It is an unnecessary buy, but like I said the added resistance it puts on your body really does help tone you faster.
I have heard good things about the ab rocket. A lot of reviews seem very positive and says it is a great way to loose some extra fat.
I doubt that this will work. It looks good on T.V. Actually the MODELS look good on t.v but they have not used ab rocket to make their body look that perfect. I know some people that bought this product but have only used it for a week or so that means they didn't like it at all.
I bought a similar product, the Ab Roller. It's really a bit of a joke, I've used it a few times since getting it. You're better off saving the money and doing sit ups or better yet just go for a walk and start doing other cardio exercises. It's not that it doesn't work- it's that it doesn't work to the same degree it is advertised to. Save yourself the $50-60, go buy a half decent pair of running shoes, and get out the door and head down the road.
My mother had an Ab Rocket and she tried it a couple of times and in the closet it went. When I got back home, I sold it on eBay at a significant loss for her. Now they have a new and improved version. What makes me mad is that they use people that are perfectly in shape. Flat stomachs and perfect muscle tone. I guess if they had an overweight person using it, they wouldn't have any buyers because it doesn't work! lol!!!
My friends brought this item and he did used for a couple of months and nothing happen to his stomach. No improve of showing abs or losing some weights. I did tried that products for me I wouldn't even buy that item since it doesn't show improvement and I heard some bad reviews o that product.
My mom bought one and it does absolutely nothing to her stomach. She has had it for 2 years and still nothing. She now uses it to massage her back or if her legs hurt after working. I knew just standing around letting it vibrate around your abdomen wouldn't work. You actually have to work out and if you have to work out with it what do you need it for. You could have saved your money and just worked out in the first place.
My brother bought one and he seems to be more motivated to do his situps with it than without. I on the other had tried it and although it does help you, I really don't feel its a deal breaker. You can download a free app on your android device for ab exercises and that would work fine. I like yoga versions as the exercises are really challenging and you really feel the ab workout the following day. My verdict on the ab rocket is if you are a newbie at exercising your abs it might motivate you to do it more consistently but its not more effective than other ab exercises.
I don't see a need to buy an ab rocket when you can do ab exercises without an expensive piece of equipment. I think exercises like planks are better than the ab rocket for building your abdominal muscles.
This product targets lazy people. Abs is one of the hardest things to accomplish when working out and you can't get good abs without some hard persistent work. Gaining abs starts in the kitchen and you cannot accomplish it without working out your tummy with intensity.
I know it is aimed at lazy people who can't be bothered to stick to a proper workout regime. However, there is a saying 'abs are built in the kitchen', no amount of ab exercise will reveal a six pack if you are not lean enough.