Found this LIKE Contest/Giveaway on Facebook. It's... open to Facebook users only. If you have a FB account, all you need to do to be entered is LIKE their Log In. The winner will receive JOY RIDE 3:ROAD KILL (Horror/Thriller) Movie. On Blu-Ray/DVD Combo disc! The contest concludes Friday night at Midnight! Serial-killer-trucker Rusty Nail is back on the road again. Looking to punish injustice at every turn - and this time it's with a group of hothead twenty-somethings on their way to the Road Rally 1000. As they drive through a desolate shortcut on the way to the race, an encounter with Rusty turns sour, and soon he is tracking, teasing, and torturing them until the very end of the road! [video=youtube;4gCJCYjEOFg][/video]
Well even if I'm already late for the contest, at least I stumbled upon your post, since every now and then I will check out that certain FB page to see if they have any promotions going. I hope their contests are open to worldwide participants.