is a chinese online retailer with very very low prices and pretty cheap shipping rates. It has anything from clothes to electronics and it's usually off brand stuff. I recently discovered it and I have friends who tell me they often order off the site. The quality isn't great, but for how much it costs, it's pretty good. What's your experience with it?
I've had nothing but bad experiences when buying products from that site. One of the last items I ordered didn't even ship completely, and the seller kept giving me the run around about shipping the rest of the order or refunding me, until I finally just gave up with the whole ordeal and chalked it up as a loss. To make matters worse, the items she did ship to me were clearly not official merchandise, but rather cheap knock offs. Other times, the items took forever to arrive, and arrived damaged - these too were obvious knock offs and not the real thing. I am kind of looking into Alibaba though, because I am reading about a potential money making opportunity buying items cheap from China and selling them on Amazon. I figure if it's just something simple like some phone cases, it's not such a big deal if they aren't some official "brand name" product.
I can relate to ohiotom76, I've had only bad experiences, too, and I'm not willing to trust this site anymore. When I shopped for some led lights that I bought around 25 dollars for, I was promised free shipping (which was huge for me), and that it would arrive in 2 weeks. I was ok with that, as I didn't want to pay triple the price in my country; the waiting time was reasonable. However, 1 month passed, and my product didn't arrive. I contacted them regarding my issue, and they said I'd receive it in 1 week, and that they would give me a compensation for the inconvenience. It arrived in 2 weeks, but I waited 1 month... so I wasn't bothered anymore. They gave me $10 worth of credit to freely shop on their website, but I didn't even want to have to deal with that site, and now the $10 lie there, unspent. Use this website at your own risk; they do deliver, but veeeeeery late. You'd come off better if you bought the products more expensive in your country, trust me.
I have never gotten anything at AliExpress before. The truth is I'm really scared of getting stuff at websites like this. I have several friends that did get stuff there and even taking months to arrive, the products did arrive. But still... I think the risk is too high for me to go around getting stuff there.
I've heard too many bad stories about Aliexpress to want to shop there. Just the usual ones about counterfeit goods and extraordinarily long shipping times but it's enough to put me off.