Alternate Your Fitness Walking Pattern To Get Better Results

Discussion in Sports & Fitness started by explorerx7 • Aug 19, 2017.

  1. explorerx7

    explorerx7Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I have seen persons going about this daily fitness walking routine but some of them seem to stick to the same routine every time. They may start at the same consistently start at the same point, travel the same distance along the same route and arrive at the same destination every time. It's believed that this sameness pattern of activity will eventually lose some of its effectiveness over time because the body may become so used to the routine that it will not be a real challenge
    anymore. Therefore, it's recommended the walking pattern be changed so that it could probably ensure a bit more of a fitness challenge.
  2. FolkArtist

    FolkArtistActive Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    I think you need variety when you do your workouts because your less likely to give up on your exercise program and you should mix some strength training in there as well. I think you could add some fun into your workouts also along the way-and you could hike on some nature trails-so these could be some rough hilly trails thrown in there as well. Hiking usually means you go from a lower elevation to a higher one-so this would give you a bit more of a workout.