Pets should be treated as part of the family but I've heard even some "well-meaning" parents say that they wish they never got married because their kids . . . Using that logic, I believe that even pet owners at times can regret having ever got their pet in the first place. So pet owners, what are some disadvantages of pet ownership?
I don't regret my four legged kids, BUT things are a little harder so having them is a little harder. No more pet toys nor treats for a while. But sometimes people think oh let's get a dog without thinking about what goes into it. It's more than just play. It's food, bathing, playing, vets, etc.
I can honestly say I have never regretted getting any of my pets except for one because she grew up to be too big and hard to handle and something happened to her. There are cons to having a pet sure but all the negatives are worth it to me.
I do sometimes regret my pets - especially when the vet bills are high, the dog wakes me at 5am because he has to pee, or I have to buy replacements for things that were chewed or destroyed. I also need a pet sitter if I'm going to be gone for extended periods of time and have to plan around their routines. They can be a pain in the butt. MOST of the time I don't mind but every now and then it hits me how much work and money go into them. They're a long-term commitment. I'll also admit that in my daughter's early years, I often felt the same way about HER so I was somewhat prepared when I had similar thoughts occasionally about the dog. Now that she's a teen, she's a lot less work and a whole lot more fun.
Well, it gets costly, but that's about it for me. I never regretted having pets, honestly. I love them.
It depends on the kind of pet, but it makes going away difficult or staying overnight somewhere on the spur of the moment. I once rented somewhere and she had a dog that never went out, only for a few minutes each day. She always had to come back to feed the dog or take him out. Then it costs a lot if they get ill, but pets are worth it if you are settled somewhere. Now goldfish are the best pets as they take less maintenance, but cleaning out the tank can be messy. Picking up dog poop is too and cats aren't too bad unless they are house cats and they aren't litter trained.
I do not have a pet right now and have not had one for some time. My daughters had pets while growing up but the care of the pet usually became my job which I did not like. I can see that having a pet can give a person company and the need to have someone care about you. Maybe in the future but for now I just don't want to have to think about cleaning up behind a pet or feeding a pet if I decide to not come home for a few days.
Hair. Hair is the worst part. I hate that I have to clean everyone's clothes of hair & my furniture as well as everything because for some reason it sticks to everything. Drives me insane.
My ex husband was unemployed and purchased a little Chihuahua a couple years ago. I was furious because I knew he wouldn't take care the puppy and he brought him home without consulting with me. So when I get home from work my two young daughters were already in love and I knew I couldn't say no. When we got a divorce I ended up adopting 'Buddy' the Chihuahua. I was learning to take care of two children on my own and working 50+ hours per week. We loved him, but he was baaadd. He was untrained and would bite at the children. He was not house broken and hyper as all get out. It wasn't his fault that nobody had time to train and care for him and I felt terrible about it. I ended up having to adopt him out and got fish to make it up to my kids.
If you can call it a "con" its just a matter that you're completely responsible for the well-being of something other than yourself. You can't neglect your pet in the same way you can't neglect feeding and caring for yourself. So if you aren't able or ready for that kind of responsibility, then having a pet probably isn't for you, at least at that point in your life.
My pet is the smartest and sweetest canine we ever have, but he has a sensitive stomach with foreign food or objects and always throws up. This was one thing that I dislike and his constant shedding. But we just learn to put up with it and watch him carefully.
The only time I ever regret it, is when they die. It's the absolute worst part of having pets. You fall in love and then they die. I have 5 more deaths ahead of me, assuming they go before I do and occasionally I find myself wishing I never took it all on. But then, all of them would have died without me, so obviously I'm not regretful.. just not looking forward to the day I have to say goodbye.
The smell. The shedding. The potty-training. The little personality quirks. The fact that you can't just turn them off when you go somewhere. The fact that you have to feed them and see that they have everything else they need. Actually, their needs are similar to the needs of another person in your home. Most especially to the needs of a child. Pets are 100% dependent on their owners, but they love unconditionally, for the most part, and that's worth it's weight in gold as far as I'm concerned.
I have to be honest. I love all animal but these days I prefer to live in areas where domestic animals are not allowed, so as to give native animals a break from constantly being chased around and killed. Of course, it all comes down to the responsibility of the pet owners, but in the end, I am simply tired of having to control dogs and cats in order to stop them from disturbing birds, marsupials, reptiles, insects, etc. So, in my case, I don't exactly regard the keeping of domestic animals as an advantage.
The cost of having pets is definitely the main hindrance when you want to get one. I already have 1 cat for almost 10 years now, and he is intelligent and learned how to be house trained all by himself. But the other day, I saw 2 kittens playing with their mom in a commercial area where there are lots of vendors. I asked if the kittens were owned by anyone and she said no and I can take them if I wanted to. But I don't want to take just 1 or 2 kittens and rob the mom of her kittens. I want the 3 to be together, since it doesn't sit well with me to break them apart. But I thought of the cost of bringing 3 cats home, so I decided to just adopt them in the future when things get better.
My only caveat in pet owning is the children in the house. Be sure that the kids are pet lovers and wouldn't harm the pets. I had known of several incidents where the child was abusing the pet, whipping with a belt or something like that. When the kids don't appreciate the pet, they appear as pests so that's not a good situation.
I completely agree. I've seen things happen and then people immediately want to blame the dogs. Look, if ANYONE is trying to put YOU on a chokehold you'd defend yourself, right? Pets can be kid-friendly, but kids are harder to make pet-friendly. Sometimes because they're so little they don't understand. In our case luckily, the pets were here before the baby so the baby has grown up being careful with them and they have gotten used to him.
There are many downsides to pets! They can ruin your things, they stink and they are very needy. Cat feces can also cause health problems, including a variety of mental health issues.