I was backing up on a narrow and unfamiliar road a while ago when a heard a scratching noise at the passenger's side of the car. I checked it out and I saw a dried up tree branch just jutting out of of the side of the road and hit the side of the car. There are some minor scratches on the side which I wanna remove. Is there any good and reliable scratch remover for cars? Something cheap maybe yet effective. I really need one ASAP.
I've always used rubbing compound immediately followed by wax. Sometimes deeper scratches have needed to be redone a couple of times before I was satisfied, but I've ended up happy with it every time. I've used several different brands over the years and they all seem to work well enough to me. Meguire's is good. Or Turtle Wax. Both are on the low end in price.
If the scratches are not deep and almost just on the surface, sometimes you can just use kerosene to buff it out. This would be if you bumped another bumper or one of those orange barrels. If it is a little deeper, 3M makes a step process that works wonders! You can buy it online or at any autobody paint shop like Sherman Williams. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestions! I looked for a scratch remover also in my local diy shop and was surprised to see a lot! I purchased one at a cheap price and purchased a microfiber cloth which I used to spread the scratch remover. Guess what? No more scratches!