Anyone actually like "Gravity"?

Discussion in Movies, Music & Games started by Esperahol • Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Esperahol

    EsperaholActive Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    So Gravity was apparently the great winner at the recent Oscars, but having seen it... it wasn't that great a film. I mean the acting was good, and the effects were great - but it was something of a slog. I guess the best comparison I can make is that it was an awful lot like Contact - if you're looking for that sort of thing then it's wonderful... if not then its rather boring. So I can say that while it has technical merit... I don't actually like the film Gravity. Anyone else here whose seen it and actually liked it?
  2. deathbyprayer

    deathbyprayerActive Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I liked the movie a lot. Its probably one of the best films of 2013. I agree that it is kinda boring if you look at it plainly, but I think its more of a cerebral film rather than a space film, and I blame the trailer. The trailer showed some action on which the movie isn't dwelling much on, and the audience expected this movie to be pulse pounding and action packed which is clearly not the case. This movie is more like a drama even, its about the characters emotional struggle and humanity. The technical aspect of this movie is just mind blowing, and that tracking shot, my God its awesome. I can't blame you for thinking that this movie is boring, but my guess is that you didn't get the premise. But we all have our opinions, and I think this movie is one of the best.