I am very happy with amazon prime, I do a lot of shopping on amazon, pet supply's, gifts, items that I donate to auctions. I know that having amazon prime has saved me a lot of money on shipping costs and I like that we can store so many addresses in our account, that along with one click purchasing makes it a fast , enjoyable shopping experience. It would recommend it to anyone who shops on amazon regularly!
It is hands down one of the best purchases I've made next to Netflix. The savings that you get just on the shipping pays for itself within a few purchases (depending on what kind of goods you're buying) and it makes great sense if you're consistently buying consumable products. For example, I go through a certain brand of protein bars that I just have shipped to my door on a regular interval directly from Amazon. I COULD go to the local store, but why bother when I can get it for slightly cheaper and shipped to me via Amazon?
It is important to note that it only applies to products sold by Amazon and not third party merchants. Also if you want next day delivery then you will not get any sort of discount. You will have to pay full price. Otherwise if you plan yourself properly and don't expect deliveries in 24-48 hours then it is a very good thing to have. Especially if you order more than a few times in a year from Amazon. It pays for itself after 4-5 shipments.
Amazon Prime definitley is a good deal for those that plan on doing a lot of transactions on amazon. It only makes sense if you are ordering more than five items a month from them. The free shipping is another big steal as you don't have to worry about waiting a week for something.