Super Unbreakable phone: It's called liquid-metal phone that not only redefines phone engineering, it also paves the way for trustworthy communication. Most safe phone: Decentralized-authentication allows users to exchange sensitive data, credit card information, travel itineraries and private conversations, knowing their information will safely and securely reach only the device intended. Will you get one if it comes to the market ?
If it comes to the market? The phone IS coming to the market, and preorders have already started for the device. The liquid metal construction is more hype than real protection, but the device will probably be more durable than the average smartphone nonetheless. The true draw is the security suite that's included with the device, and that's the main draw of the Turing Phone, considering it doesn't have the most advanced hardware specs on the market. I'd buy one.
I would especially since it is more secure than the average phone. Privacy is such an issue these days. I think this phone will cater well in the market as most people crave to be private in their endeavours. I do hope this delivers well when released.
More security is always good, however; there's something we all need to realize. As proven at various hacking and security conferences throughout the year, security for our devices and Internet-connected devices is a myth. If someone wants to get your information or steal something from you, then chances are high that you can do it regardless of your security measures. Most of us get lucky in that thieves aren't specifically targeting our devices and that other people fall victim.
If I recall correctly, the announcement was made within the past couple of days that the Turing phone will ship sometime in December for most buyers. That's not too bad of a release window, although not everyone will want to wait a few more months to get their hands on this device. It could become obsolete by then after all. I love the design of the phone myself, but it doesn't meet my needs as far as internal hardware is concerned, so that's why I'm passing on it.
I've never heard about this before! I should really get out of this rock I'm living in. That sounds cool though, I mean, with all this issues of the NSA getting all of our information and people hacking the hell out of everything that has a password, it's going to be a great phone. Is there any info about the price? I'm guessing this thing will cost you. But I'm just wondering, is this thing hack proof or does it provide only secure data transfers? But hack proof I mean not being able to get through the phone by using brute force and stuff.