I like wearing hats in the autumn or winter. I have a nice brown wool cap and another similar black cap that is more think that can be worn for any time of the year. I don't know the name of the type of hat, but here's a photo:
I find hats cool but I never use them; not even beanies! It's freezing cold down here so I wouldn't care to use one if I had the money to buy it
I just love wearing hats and I know that you have to have the right style in order to pull off that look, certain look that is. As the song says "you got that look" and that's what it is all about and when you pull it together with a nice suit or dress, you are on your way to "Glam" with that nice fashion look. The real lady look and you can't do any better than that can you?
Speaking of hats, did you see the berets worn by team USA yesterday during the opening ceremony of the Olympics? How awesome are they? LOL. I love hats but is it wrong that the only hats I like wearing are beanies and baseball caps?
I like wearing hats, but not the frilly girly type because I'm a man. LoL!! I have loads of beanie hats, though. Different colors, different designs. I like the way they snuggly cuddle around my baldy head and keep the tops of my ears warm when I'm out and about.
I know, and I just love hats for the style and the way it make you look all dressed up. I am not talking about girly hats for men, but the kind of hats that men should wear for there style. Some men look sexy in hats and some don't, it depends on the style of the hat and the color that fits on that bald head. But I would say a man looks sexy with there hat on and makes him more dressed to the touch. It gives him that more manly statement that we girls are looking for in a men.
I like wearing hats in the summer and winter. During the summer I wear mostly straw hats in a variety of colors and winter I love quilted or wool hats. I think hats are a statement piece and could be worn with many great outfits. I like to jazz up my outfits with a nice hat.
I love the way hats look. I have a few, but I find that I don't wear them that often. It's warm year round where I live so it's too hot to wear some styles. I have thought about getting a straw hat for when the sun is out. When I lived in colder weather I used to wear them a little more.
I always see pretty hats in the shops that I would love to wear but they just don't suit me! I have no idea why but all hats just make me look silly!
I was never the type of person that loved wearing accessories, so that includes hats, watches, bracelets, etc. So even if I live in a tropical country, the thought of wearing a hat to shield my head from the heat never occurred to me.
I am also someone who adores to wear hats. I think they bring a lot to each outfit. My favorite types of hats would have to be those big straw floppy hats that many girls wear to the beach. I think they are very cute and add so much to ay outfit and to any swimsuit as well as giving you the desired protection from the sun. I just don't have enough good things to say about these hats. Every girl who likes fashion should own one in my opinion! They are too cute to resist!
I like wearing hats too, they make me look better. Because I just think my head is huge. lol Especially when I wake up and my hair looks like a mop on top, I can comb down my hair and cover it with my hat.
I've never really been a hat person. I really don't like baseball hats. I wear a wool hat during the winter because I have a shaved head and it is absolutely freezing. I wear it to keep my head warm, not as a fashion statement.