Thank you for sharing this deal with the forum community. I'm sure somebody looking for a new phone will find this deal useful. Personally I'd recommend buying from a local apple store or from their website directly, as this seller has quite a few negative ratings. As always when buying from the internet, use your better judgement and decide for yourself if you'd like to purchase from them. Perhaps you may be able to get some store carrying iPhone 6's to price match this for you.
Of course not...... for a variety of reasons. Most of which being it's Apple selling the iPhone on Amazon. Just like Apple has a storefront on Ebay too. As for bad Reviews, you never can tell sometimes people post them because they're against the company or the product, or what have you. I bought an MP3 player from Amazon that had bad reviews and it's worked fine for me for a year now. The reviews said everything from "can't use touchscreen calibration" to "battery runs down too fast." With some searching, I managed to find the touchscreen calibration option for my MP3 player, and the battery issues were solved by setting the backlight to only come on when I was scrolling through songs. Instead of letting it stay on All The Time.