Most games are pretty expensive at full price (60$) so I'm wondering how many of you wait for sales. Personally, I'm a fan of Steam and Indie Humble Bundle sales and never pay full price for a game. On Steam you can buy the games cheap, since they have sales for most of the seasons. The Indie Bundle is even better since you get to choose how much you pay, starting with 1$. Granted, indie games are not as complex as triple A games but they still provide many hours of quality entertainment.
Well I don't really game much at the moment so the answer is no. However when I did game there were a couple of titles that I did but on the day of release such as LOST:Via Domus. That was because I really like the TV show and was anticipating the game.
No, I don't, because I rarely feel the need to keep up with new games. I already have a huge backlog of video games I have yet to play, so getting new ones on release day just isn't that appealing to me. There are games that have made me do this, though, like GTA, but that is just an exception to my personal rule. The best thing about buying games later on is that not only do you get games for cheaper, but whenever you find a game at a bargain, and especially if the title is unknown to you, then you get a feeling of discovery. I think playing full priced games would kind of make me feel a bit guilty and I may feel too obliged to have fun.
No, I never buy games during their release date. When I used to buy games, I bought the pirated ones. But now, I just get them via good 'ol torrents. Why buy when you can get them for free right?
Yes but only for the games that I really want to play. I used to buy a lot of games on release but I no longer do that due to the fact that I got bored with a lot of genres from playing too much. Nowadays, I just stick to rpgs and action games. I mostly skip present and future settings and stick to melee and medieval games. Saves me a lot of money this way.
^^^^ This. A few years back I'd be the first one to get everything because I liked being able to keep up with others so I can actually speak about the game without worrying about spoilers. Now I find myself avoiding people who want to talk about the latest games. Ha. It's somewhat by choice. Just like you, I wouldn't want to do that to myself because a backlog is a serious problem with us gamers lately. I'm seeing complaints about it all the time (funny to complain about having many games to play =p) and I'm a victim. When I cut down on a few, then I'll start getting the newest releases. Oh and I have ran into many gems in recent years that I got mad at myself for not playing sooner. It was good though.
I always buy games used or after a price drop. I don't think having a game on release day is worth having to pay full price. I can wait a couple of months and buy it for $20. I'm not really into Steam because I like having physical games that I can touch ,in collectible boxes. I've never heard anyone brag about how many games they've collected on Steam. If you buy a game to download, it's not really a possession that you can trade or resell.
I never buy games on release day! 60 bucks is ridiculous for a game; it should be 20 dollars; 30 at the most expensive. I'd much rather buy them for cheap on eBay then pay ordinate amounts to get it the day it came out. Also, some the game stores are ridiculous on release days. People everywhere!
I almost always never buy a game on release. Games at release are too expensive, I mean they charge like somewhere between $40-$60, but if you wait for a couple months, the price just slowly goes down up to half. But if I really like the game or if I'm anticipating it for long enough then I buy it on release.
I don't play games anymore, but when I did I would NEVER buy a game as soon as it came out, I would go to my local video store and rent the game from them and then once the game was on sale at half price (in the UK the game would come out at £40 and then a few months later would be slashed to £20) I'd pick it up if I liked it.
No, I would wait for reviews first. I only buy something on the release day to make a review myself, if it were something I really like. But generally, I don't. It's just not practical. It's very expensive when it's just been out.