Many persons would love to be able to to religiously get up and continue an exercise regime on their own, however, the majority never seems to be able to stick to the task, because, it may require a great deal of discipline and commitment, which is not easy to maintain. Do you believe that you would be able to maintain the required level of discipline and commitment?
Nope. It's extremely boring, repetitive and unnecessary. And for many it's just plain torture.. first sign it's not meant for you lol. I get my exercise in natural ways.. out having fun, running around, doing things I love. Exercise is necessary for overall health and you can get it in so many ways outside of a gym which is full of germs, injury, eating disorders, obsessions, crock supplement sales, despicable advice and uneducated trainers. I've seen injury and even death I'm sure improper health and fitness training were behind.. even right in the gym, but they'd never connect that because they were in the gym.. must be healthy, it was such a surprise! gah If it's for weight loss, food is the key.. how and what you eat. Not exercise. The fitness industry is a joke, in my opinion. I'm sure there are many that thrive in that environment and for many it's just fun or simpler than figuring out other ways.. but I think it's generally an unhealthy environment and many don't realize the risk their putting themselves in. I guess it depends on how you look at it though.
I have never been able to stick to an exercise regime for any length of time. I am not a person who finds exercise rewarding or who loves to exercise often. It does not keep my attention and I usually find it time consuming and boring. I wish I could and I admire those that are able to do this. It is just not in my genetic make up to have this type of discipline. At least, this is what I tell myself to feel better about myself not working out like I should.
The problem I have with most work out routines is that they are boring. I can't stand being in the same spot and doing the same thing for extended periods of time. I like working out in nature like hiking trails and stuff like that
My main exercise is walking, I like walking and often I will use walking to get somewhere not just an exercise. The gym to me is boring, I do have a hula hoop which I try to use for an hour a day, I do break the hour up into segements of 15 minutes.
I have always wanted defined abs. Not overly cut, but just nice and defined to where one can appreciate them. I have always wanted muscles like that too - ones neat enough to suit my frame. So I have been using the dumb bells that my mother got for Christmas to bulk up a little, and I did see improvement in my ability. But then I missed a night, and didn't pick it back up again. It can be so frustrating finding the motivation.
Yes, I am, because I have found and exercise that I enjoy (swimming). If you can get into the routine of getting up and going swimming first thing in the morning before work, you find that things become much easier, and it is simply a part of your day then rather than you feeling as though it is a chore. I have not been able to go swimming this week as the pool is being used for children during the school holidays, but next week I will be straight back into my routine again.
No unfortunately I don't have the discipline to stick to an exercise routine. I tell myself every January I'm going to start exercising more but life gets in the way. Meaning work, home, kids, and after school activities with the kids. I have seen some parents pack their exercise gear and when they drop off the child at the hockey rink they head for a workout. I think this is a brilliant use of one's time. I think I'll try it sometime. But I do try and find ways to add more activity/movement into my day. It's not that hard like parking your car further from the store so you have walk a bit more, taking the stairs more at work, going for a walk on my break or lunch hour. It's so much easier in the summer to be active, I can bike to work or go for swim in our pool. I think just by being more active throughout my day I can feel like I'm being more healthy.
I have a serious problem with sticking to exercise. It's a LOT of hard work and that combined with being sore, it's very hard for me. The last time I started exercising at home and it lasted about 2 months and then I quit. I wish I wouldn't have, and I want to start up again. But I'm also bad at eating healthy too. I'm the kind of person that needs to do the whole package. I think if I'm weak in one area, I'll be weak everywhere else.
In my opinion, sticking to your exercise routine religiously depends on two things: the type of exercise you do and your personal motivation. A less strenuous physical exercise, such as walking, is easy to maintain. It will also keep you motivated. A more strenuous exercise regimen may be difficult to keep up with. You'll definitely lose motivation when the exercise becomes an endless cause for pain and punishment. I find it easy to stick to simple exercises that are 'less pain and more fun.'
The short answer for me is no, but then I have to think of the alternative, which is paying money for someone to control it for me, and I cannot have that. So I guess it is a no but I have to because it is my only option. I try my best, and I get close, but then life just seems to get in the way, as usual.
I used to jog when I had a jogging buddy, but now I am so not motivated to work out, and I don't even make plans of exercising even if I'm gaining weight nowadays. I guess I lack the motivation to keep in shape.
Definitely not, not on my own! I tried working out at home by myself where I have a gym in my building available for residents, but couldn't do it. I need to go out, get to the gym, have classes, preferably have a companion to the gym - that is the way I manage to workout.
Not really but since weight loss is the motivator, I keep getting back on the wagon. I'm finding that walking is better for me in the long run, as opposed to going to the gym. Later this year, I'm going to get home exercise equipment and give up my membership.
No is my answer to the thread's title. I always tell myself that I will do the workout but would completely forget it after some days. Now that I am overweight by 7 pounds, my husband is monitoring my morning exercise. That means I cannot leave for work without doing the bending and stretching plus the hand grip for my abs. Yes, the hand grip is used while I lay on the bed face up to strengthen my abdominal muscles. So my 3 minutes of daily exercise is upon the urging of my husband.
I've been trying to stick to some workout routines but for the life of me i just can't do it, i always end up doubting my workout routine and then i get so negative about the whole thing, thinking i will fail and finally i give up. I've done this exact cycle countless times until I'm resolved that this is not for me. So now i'm just taking it slow and practice yoga whenever i can, i don't put pressure on myself and no expectations either.
I have to stick to a regular regime of 1 hour a day for 5 days. I cheat eating something I shouldn't so I d 15 min. more a day. I s added a day more to exercise so I do 6 day one hour exercise. Why? My doctor has ordered it.
I just can't seem to get into a regime that lasts more than a month. It is similar when t comes to the healthy foods that I buy these days, unless I get sick or something. My cousin is a personal trainer, so I have been wrestling with employing him to take me through a regime. Hopefully, he will charge me family rates.
I am a naturalist and a strict exercise regimen is not for me. There is an element of exercise in whatever I do which includes alot of walking which is to me one of the easiest form of exercise since you don't have to think about it. But a strict exercise regimen is preferable because the body adjusts its circadian rhythm to it and in time, everything happens naturally.
Personally, my problem isn't sticking to a workout. For me, it's always been about controlling what I eat. I just love eating. And because we don't often have healthier options in the refrigerator, I have to stick to what was available. For now, I have limited budget that mostly go to my son and his needs. I can only have what was in the fridge. So my primary concern should be just limiting the portions I used to have while exercising.