@Ray1 I think whether one decides to keep smoking or quit smoking should be a personal choice. In as much as it has been scientifically proven that smoking can cause cancer to the human system, I do not think that moderate smoking can result in cancer or short term life simply because every passing day, we inhale fumes from the car exhaust and other smoke making objects around. To quit smoking is good, but since it is a source of fun to those that smoke, I think they should be alowed to continue. Afterall, we all have short term lives to lives in this 21st century.
@Ray1 Yeah, so true. When a smoker cannot smoke the stress sky rises, and this happens when I am with my dad and he can't smoke close to me and my kids, he gets really nervous and starts wishing we leave early lol. That's how much cigarettes can condition someone's life.
I never smoked and I don't have any habits. One of the reasons why I did not pick up smoking is because it cost money. I tried smoking once or twice, I did not care about my health because there were so many things that would take a toll on my health, second hand smoke for instance, or even pollution. However, I discovered that I could not afford to smoke. I could pay for one cigarette, but what if I get addicted and had to smoke a packet of cigarette, I would cost a lot of money.
Smoking, as with all other addictive substances is very hard to quit. The longer the years of smoking, the harder it is to stop. But it is possible and can be done. A lot of people have successfully quit smoking. And often, the motivation to stop is not to save money but for health reasons. Cigarettes packs are mandated to state how dangerous smoking is and the required/legal age to start smoking. I don't smoke but I have few friends who do smoke. I don't hang around them too much or too often especially if they are chain smokers. I might end up involuntarily inhaling some of their smoke.
@luri In my case there was neither, I did not quit due any health reason or to save money but it was all due to my daughter's request. She was a small child then and probably heard her mom telling me to quit. She asked me to quit in such a way that I quit smoking immediately. She said, "Papa you love me more or you love your cigarettes?" I had no option but quit
I have never smoked. And I have no plans on getting into it. But my brother is a smoker. And we are trying to get him off the smoking habit. Not sure how the withdrawal symptoms are going to be in that case. Not sure how people deal with it. But based on what I have noticed about the people who smoke they seem to have their own set of the health issues.
@overcast There is no term like withdrawal symptoms or even if there is that doesn't last more than a few days. After all cigarette is not cocaine or heroin which is as tricky to get rid off. It all depends on your willpower . If you wish to quit your smoking habit you can do it in one day provided you have strong willpower. In my case I quit in one day more than a decade before and never smoked a single cigarette after that.