I have seen a lot of these products in the commercials each day. Every time I see a commercial I notice that quite often they offer 2 for the price of 1 (you know the "but wait there's more") but ever notice the shipping and handling? I don't remember which product it was, but it was a $10 product and the buy 1 and get the extra free was more expensive then buying 2 of these products at Walmart. The shipping and handling on those 2 products was $16.95 and you had to pay $10 for the product. So you were really paying $26.95 for 2 products that you would pay $20 for at Walmart. I notice this all the time and it bothers me that they advertise it like you are getting an awesome deal when they give you the extra item - "just pay shipping and handling." For the most part, it is always more expensive then buying 2 of them at the store. Before you rush into the deal over the phone, try to read the fine print (I know they make it small) and you will probably find that you will save money buying it in a store.
Yeah, Walgreen's carries a few of these types of products as well. I'm not sure if CVS or Rit-Aid do or not.
Great advice! If I see something on TV (or even online) I like to see it in a store first so I can inspect it. Sometimes things look waaay better on television. The price change is just a bonus, imo.
Yes, CVS also has a section of "As Seen On TV" products. You can also find many of the "As Seen On TV" products on Amazon with free Super Saver shipping.
I definitely agree. It's almost always cheaper in the store, and you don't have to worry about shipping and handling or waiting for the product to arrive. Plus, they always try to get you into some type of automatic ordering/billing thing with your credit card when you order from those infomercials. You don't have to worry about it if you just buy the product in a store though.
They usually just sell a lot because they know that there are a lot of people that are home-shut, and so they end up buying everything they see on the TV because it seems cheap to them.
It depends really. Sometimes it is on TV because they have greatly reduced the price and it's an offer that is much better than purchasing it in a shop. I think it really does depend though. I personally would rather go to a shop to inspect it, or I would look quickly for reviews on the internet before buying something from a TV show.
I think if you can find an As Seen on TV product in the store that your interested in you should consider buying it this way. I know that if I could afford to at this time I would buy the product in the store instead of through mail order. As you pointed out there would definitely be a savings there, without having to pay shipping cost. Also, there would be no waiting for the item to arrive you will have purchased it and then taken it home to try it out.
The NuWave Induction Cooktop & Pan set says they will give you a free burner and free pans as long as you pay shipping and handling costs. Then you find out the shipping and handling costs are nearly $100 on their own. I would never buy them over the phone, only in the store where I can see them and don't have to pay all those ridiculous shipping and "handling" fees.
I've noticed that some of the products look sturdier on TV than they do in real life so I do look at the product at distributor stores rather than ordering it right after the infomercial. I also want the chance to handle the item and give it a try before I buy it. Sometimes the people on TV make it look so very easy to use but when its you it turns out to be a nightmare to operate. Also the store price is usually cheaper so I'm more into buying it from the store rather than ordering by phone or online.
I'm sure this happens with most products on tv. The unfortunate thing is that the sellers are always located very far from where you're at. Depending on how close you live to a store, it's better just to pay gas instead of shipping. Also, the tax for the item in-store would come out much lower. In every possible way, going to the store comes out cheaper.
YES and they usually say it REAL FAST - just add shipping and handling. Well that could be the same price as the original product. The best part of just buying from a store, is that is so much easier and faster to RETURN when they do not work. I love checking out the AS Seen on TV sections of Walmart, Fred Myers, Rite-Aide, etc, etc, etc.
Where I'm from, they have As You've Seen on TV stores and the Kmarts, Sears and Targets carry a lot of the products, so I would rarely ever buy one from TV, not when I can go down the street for purchase and needed returns.
I agree, it is always worth it to wait to find it in store. For one, you will probably get a better price in store. The commercials try to make it seem like they are doing you a favor with the price when in reality, they are gouging you. It also helps to actually be able to see the product in person because they don't always look the way that they look on the tv. I have had success buying infomercial products. You just have to do your due diligence.
I agree with what's being said. If you're certain that you want a product from the as seen on tv ad then I would recommend to either buy it online or to go to a physical store instead. This is what I have done and I wasn't scammed with any shipping charges ,etc. It's better to do things in person if you really want the quality and deal that you're looking for originally.
I see more and more as seen on tv products in stores nowadays. That makes it easier for me when it comes to buying these. I admit that I don't buy every as seen on tv products I see, but I have bought a few. I like going to the stores and buying these rather than having to pay shipping if I get it from the website.
You really have to be careful on the fine print and fees they tack on. I am not comfortable giving my credit card over the phone. I would much rather buy it in a store.
I feel like ordering items over the phone is sort of an outdated way to do things. You can get better shipping deals online, you can research the product more clearly online and you can make your credit card info more secure with sites like Paypal. And it's not like you won't be able to find the product either if you don't order over the phone.
There is a store for as seen on TV items at the local flea market. I go in there to see the craziest thing they have ever come up with. TO me is more for entertaining value than to consider purchasing any of them. The one item that has me intrigued is the curly hose, that shrinks after its use. I saw it at CVS the other day. It looks just like on TV and it was only 4.99 for one, no shipping and handling. So if I see it, and believe is a good deal, then I will get it. I have never called to get something from tv infomercials.