Have you ever had someone sit there and blow their nose then not wash up (and I don't mean a quick swipe with a tissue, I mean a full, loud blow, and then basically proceed to clean our their entire nose with the tissue), while providing service to you in a store or bank or other business? I'm not a total germ freak, but this repulses me. I would never put up with it in a grocery store or restaurant, but even at the bank, they end up touching some of your things. I think it is awful, and that service persons should be taught better. This happened to me recently at the bank. I asked the person, discreetly and nicely, to please grab some hand sanitizer or something before waiting on me. The person got offended, "I'm just blowing my nose!" Um, yeah, that's kind of the point. I don't want your cold!
I understand what you are saying. Some people do not seem to realize the germs they spread by picking at not only theit nose but their head also. I try to not touch handles on doors and things that have alot of people touching them. There was a show on the other night, they got infected himself and then went to hightly populated areas and touched things that people touch without thinking like the poles on the bus you hold to keep from following or the rails on the steps on the metro entry. Gross!!!!
I actually watched my hair stylist blow his nose in his bare hand and rub it off on a bench. He was sitting outside in front of the salon and I was eating at a restaurant in the shopping center. I saw him through the window where I was sitting. Whether he washed his hands or not afterwards didn't even matter. I never went back there again.
I make a big circle around people who have bad hygiene habits. I don't want to do any business with them, in fact, I don't want to have anything to do with them at all. In the end it (literally) all rubs off badly.
The reason I hardly ever shake hands with anyone is because you never know what they've been doing with their hands. Some people think that as long as no one is watching there's no need to wash [hands]. Others have got used to bad hygiene habits to the extent that [they believe] there's absolutely nothing wrong with not washing hands once they blow their noses. But little do they remember that by washing their hands they'd be preventing the spreading of illnesses not just to others . . .
I usually don't stress out about it. I tend to touch a lot of things to check out the texture - walls, rails, objects on shelves - that other people have touched too. Then I open my water bottle (transferring whatever I had on my hands to it) and have a drink without thinking about it. I've worked at doctor's offices, sharing my pen with people who were sick when I needed them to sign forms. I travel often and shower in campground restrooms that don't get cleaned between people. I'm rarely sick beyond a day in bed once or twice a year with a tummy bug. I haven't needed antibiotics in years. I do have seasonal allergies (which make me blow my nose a lot but can't be transmitted to anyone no matter how many times I do it) and migraines...but they're not things I could pick up from others. They just happen.
Ewww! There's a guy who works at a grocery store I frequent. He works in the produce section, and he smells really rank. I actually was so turned off that I mentioned it on the receipt feedback survey before. He seems like a nice guy, but the odor really turns my stomach, which is an especially bad thing when you're purchasing groceries.
Because I'm recovering from serious illness, I have to be especially careful. There is a grocery chain that is new to the area and has been struggling for a few years. Not only do they have a lot of gnats in the produce department but their staff looks kind of rough. One lady in particular had a bad odor. Not sure if she had heavy perspiration because the clerks help bag groceries. I really hated that smell near my food and I wanted to douse her in sanitizer.