I'm speaking for myself as someone who is trying to lose excess body fat and having to pay extra for healthy foods and supplements. In other countries, their food is not heavily taxed but here in the Philippines, our food has an additional 12% value added tax. I've also tried to whipped up healthier meals only to pay more than I usually do. Supplements are sometimes a must especially for myself who is prone to colds and respiratory ailments when the weather is changing. There are some that aids in weightloss as well. As much as I've wanted to go back to the gym, the monthly membership is still steep for me and the cost of commuting adds to that as well so I stay at home and just do no gym exercises.
If you are looking to lose weight, you can get away with no going to the gym. Running is free. It's great for the mind and body. Lifting weights and using special machines is great for strength building, but has little to no effect on weight loss. In the end it is calories in vs calories out, it's all about self control and dedication. Sugar and wheat are a killer too, they make you more hungry. Try to cut down on these and you should notice you are more full. Good luck!
I don't know why people always say this. It does not cost a thing to go out and walk around your neighborhood. If you don't get your nutrients from food then get some multivitamins. They are $10 and last you a month. Also, you can grow a lot of food for free. Local cities give out free compost, dirt and you can get 4 seed packets for $1 at the Dollar Tree. I think people just like to complain!
Being healthy may cost extra in the short term, However, over time, the present cost would be justified because it would most likely eliminate the huge costs that may be derived from serious or chronic illnesses that could probably be avoided if the cost of the appropriate care wasn't spared in the earlier years. Consider if you have a car and you may opt to forgo a proper maintenance schedule, there will come a time when it's going to cost you a huge repair bill because of the damage derived from the lack of proper care.
I'm in the same boat. Eating healthy is expensive, but I recognize it's importance. I tend to cut down on the extras in life lately in order to afford a healthy lifestyle. At the end of you day, what good is the money if you are just going to risk dying from heart disease? I currently have a herniated disc in my neck and have gained 40 pounds this year. It's a huge wake up call that I need to get healthy now. No matter how expensive it is.
I have to agree with the others here. I have found that when I am more health conscious I end up spending less money overall. This is especially true when cooking at home. The quick convenient foods that we purchase from restaurants and fast food chains are often more expensive in the long run then buying the ingredients ahead of time and cooking your meals in advance for the week. It is also a better way to ensure that you know what it is you are putting inside of your body. Another reason why it is often times cheaper is because there are many things that are considered hazardous that are also seen as a luxury to our diets and routines. Drinking in particularly stands out as well as smoking. Both are marketed as a way to cerebrate and to relieve stress however they impact not only our health in the long run but also our wallets as well.
Yes, It can work out more expensive trying to eat and stay healthy. But I agree there are ways around it. Like others have suggested, I scrapped the idea of joining the gym ages ago, and now just stick to walking. Obviously I wish I could do more, maybe jogging. If you have some safe places ideal for jogging you could try that. I can see growing your own veggies working, but I have zero interest in that. So I opt to buy just 'normal' fruit and veg, as opposed to the very pricey 'organic stuff'. You'll be surprised at how much you can save by doing that, it's crazy!!! i also cut out store bought juice, drinks and coffee and mainly stick to water.
I think it's possible to not spend too much living healthily as long as you put in lots of research and time in it. I myself am not that much of a believer in supplements so personally I wouldn't spend much on those and instead if just research some of the food that will give me those vitamins and focus on that instead. As for exercising I'd be fine with just doing it at home or running outside. If you have a community pool nearby that helps a lot as well since it can give you a full body workout for a fraction of the time you'd spend working on each individually with other exercises.
I go for walks all of the time, without having to spend so much as a penny on going to the gym, and I feel as though I am able to be as healthy as I like without spending a lot of money in order to do so. This means that I can get fit and save money at the same time, and it doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can do the same. You can even get fit just from jogging on the spot for a while each day - you don't even have to go anywhere!
Well here's the thing - although the misconception that living a healthy lifestyle is expensive - appears to be relatively common these days - which is understandable considering the fact that - because the media is so full of confusing, false and often misleading information issued by so called “ experts “ for the sole purpose of lining their pockets - many people are now so confused - that they actually don't know what a leading healthy lifestyle let alone what healthy eating is - the truth is - its a total myth - as its quite the opposite and extremely inexpensive if done right. In fact as healthy eating isn't complicated or expensive - as it is in reality - nothing more than eating a well balanced diet - consisting of totally natural unadulterated nutrient dense foods from all food groups in the right amounts - instead of chemically made overly processed ready prepared “ foods “ - and more importantly - as half of those foods are generally staples such as - rice, pasta, beans, lentils, chickpeas along with fruits, vegetables and other grains - all of which are extremely cheap to buy - anyone finding it expensive to eat healthily - is clearly doing something very wrong. Same goes for exercise - especially as there a loads of enjoyable ways of keeping fit - either for free or that cost next to nothing - such as - brisk walking, dancing, swimming, skipping, ball games, riding a bike etc.
I'm sorry, but I am so TIRED of this debate!! It isn't more expensive to eat healthy. But it IS a lifestyle change that, like anything else, requires a bit of work if you want to do it on a budget. I don't even want to get into the costs of healthcare for the body you are creating by living a sedentary, high fat, high sugar diet for most of your life. That alone is worth paying a little more RIGHT NOW to get within a weight that will keep you away from heart disease, diabetes, and everything else that is directly associated with just being overweight. As far as paying more at the grocery store for "healthy food" - the idea is shop sales, eat seasonal, prepare things at home, buy in bulk when it is more cost effecient, and EAT EVERYTHING - this means no more throwing away leftovers! I feed my family of 6 on less than $100 a week. We're meat eaters! We love lots of produce! We are healthy! And it is FAR more expensive for me to shop the frozen aisles, order take-out, or do pizza during the week. Here are some very budget-friendly and also healthy meals to get you started: - beans and rice - chicken - pretty much any way you want it - lentil soup - hearty bean soups, split pea soup - roasts (pork or beef) tend to run cheaper than steaks and chops - eggs! one of the cheapest proteins in the store
I think Clairebeautiful is completely correct. Being healthy and living inexpensively are not mutually exclusive activities. Beans, oatmeal, peanut butter, and eggs are your secret weapons. You can usually find a dozen eggs for a dollar if you can get to a Trader Joe's or Costco, netting out to about ten cents per egg for some quality protein. Living frugally requires a large amount of creativity, but if you consider the savings of shopping fresh and using crock pots, you can save a lot of money and put it toward other activities that you'd rather be doing.
Hmmm... For me, there are some aspects of being healthy that are definitely expensive. But of course, there are also aspects that cost you almost nothing. I'll start with the options you can do to stay healthy without breaking the bank:Buying your fruits and vegetables in the farmer's market. They are cheap, fresher and more delicious!Eating out only once a month or even less. Eating out can be very expensive and add to that, these foods are laden with preservatives and a lot of sodium.Running or walking instead of using the treadmill. It can save you electricity and you get to see lots of interesting things.Instead of a gym membership, look up YouTube workout videos and follow them. They're useful, practical, convenient and free.Planting your own fruits and vegetables. We have this little garden where we have lots of produce, tomatoes, mangoes and papayas.And the aspects of being healthy that are expensive:Buying organic produce. If you don't grow some produce, then you have to buy them in the grocery or in the market. Sadly, if you want organic produce, their prices can be very steep.Rubber shoes and gears. If you're serious about your exercise, you might want to invest in good quality shoes and gears which can be expensive at first. However, they can last a long time which is a good enough reason.That being said, you can see that there's lots of ways to stay healthy without breaking the bank. And these expensive aspects, you can take them or leave them.
There are countless ways of being healthy while also cutting down the costs. First and foremost, there is no requirement to pay a subscription to a gym since you can do a regular workout inside your house or outside in the nature, city or whatsoever. Secondly. it will cost much less, in the long-term, to buy healthy food from your local grocery rather than spend money buying pre-made 'healthy' meals. Lastly, as far as supplements are concerned, you can manage without them by consuming fruits and vegetables. Supplements are vitamins which are available nearly everywhere and there is no requirement for you to take all of them at once with one pill. You could try eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and consider them your primary source of vitamins [intake].
Some people say that (maintaining good) health is expensive. I admit that I used to buy exercisers that cost a lot. In fact, one exercise that I bought for $200 is still at home resting in our stock room. I also had a bike that I seldom use. But in fairness to me, I never take food supplements and I always rely on natural like fresh milk and fresh vegetables and fruits.
I live in the United States and, while there are some exceptions, unhealthy food is far cheaper than healthy food. Here, organic produce is usually double the cost of the non-organic version. Even if you are not concerned about organic food and just want to eat healthier, things that have little nutritional value but are high in carbs and/or sugar can be purchased so much cheaper than things filled with nutrients and/or protein. Some cities and areas have even levied taxes on things that are bad for you in an effort to change the inequality of price. For example, some areas have levied what they call a "sugar tax" on all sodas containing sugar. Therefore, if you buy a soda that has sugar, it will cost you extra. However, this has only made things more expensive, instead of reducing the cost of items that don't contain sugar. So, I think generally, they are ineffective.
I really disagree, I think healthy eating can be way cheaper! Water instead of soda or other drinks saves a ton right there. Potatoes vs. potato cheaps? Beans and rice, sweet potatoes, local vegetables will always be cheaper than packaged foods. If you are going for rare ingredients or all organic foods, that may up the cost, but a basic healthy diet is cheaper than junk food.
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that if you want to use the top range supplements and of course those cost money, but you don't have to use them, eat a variety of greens and fruits that do not cost an arm and a leg. I came from a size 16 to a size 8 in the space of 4 -5 months, with no gym membership or expensive supplements, I just reduced the size of my plate, stopped eating empty calories like white sugar and white flour, sweets, snacking, heavy meals, and before I knew it, I had to have a complete wardrobe change, any body can do that if you put your mind to it.
While it can be more expensive to eat "healthy"/organic foods, there are plenty of things you can do for free to help you lose weight. As many people have already mentioned, exercising does not have to be expensive. Sure many people like to join a gym, but you could always exercise at home or just walk/run through your neighborhood. I know that some stores like Whole Foods are expensive, but simply cutting back on junk food and eating more vegetables, drinking more water can be extremely helpful. The key is to burn more calories than you consume. Don't let finances get in the way of leading a healthy lifestyle.
I definitely think that it is more expensive to be healthy these days, rather than being unhealthy. The crappy foods with all of the preservatives in them are cheaper than high quality food, and then when people get sick and cannot afford to pay their medical bills, everybody appears to be confused about what took place, which baffles me. The prices of healthy food and unhealthy food speaks volumes as far as what the government prioritize.