One of my favorite places to go for free ebook downloads is the Internet Archive. This site has not only free and legal downloads, but also offers free videos and songs. The best thing is, you don't have to worry about copyright issues. If it's on Internet Archive, you can download it legally. If something is up there and shouldn't be, the administrators pull it off right away. It's a fabulous source for books, and has quite a few titles that you can't find on Project Gutenberg.
There are many free Kindle books available right on Amazon. Even if you don't have a Kindle, there are few apps for the computer so you can read them on your tablet, laptop, netbook or desktop.
Check outLog In they showcase quite a few indie authors. You can read the whole book online and buy it if you like it. It's a great way of supporting upcoming authors.Log In is another site you can check out. They have quite a few of the classics.
Thank you for all your suggestions. As long as they are legit, it's always good to have a list of websites where one can download or buy ebooks. I've bookmarked all of your suggestions.
That place is a real treasure chest. In this space you can find lost gems. I enjoy looking original editions or translations of classics. Try the search system isn't ideal, but with a couple of minutes we can master it. It's definitely an alternative to consider. Of course it isn't a site that is characterized by novelty, but has an impressive catalog of resources. I also recommend, is very interesting.
I second the Project Gutenberg suggestion - that is one of my long time favorite web sites! Also check outLog In they work with Project Gutenberg and also have a lot of great links to other free e-book sites. Also the amazon suggestion - check them out often, even if they don't have anything you like today, they seem to change their free offerings on a regular basis.
Thanks mate. I will try to visit this site. I just hope that they have the update edition of medical books that I need but I do not expect it because medical books and ebooks are really expensive.
This may be a silly question, but have you googled medical ebooks? I just did and found several sites with free medical ebooks. You of course would know better on how up to date a particular edition is, and I have no idea about the legality of them all. Also have you checked out the various libraries online that lend out ebooks? Again, don't know if that would work in your particular case, just a suggestion. Good luck.
Amazon has tons of free e-books and most libraries have a sizable collection. You can "borrow" books and movies and even albums from your library. You just have to sign up for an online account with your library card and download them to your computer. I love reading language books!
I have a Kindle and I get quite a few free suggestions from a daily email. I also use their booklending service and the Prime Member lending. I hadn't heard of the Internet Archive before so I'll have to check them out. You can never have too many good sources or free eBooks!
Hey CinnamonBear! Thanks a lot for this share. I haven't actually come across this site before though I guess it must actually be very popular before this country bumpkin got introduced to it! I am always on the look out for free e-books and as in my other posts, you'll realise that I get mine mostly from BookDepository which has a really fantastic collection of free e-books. For those of you who love classics and love freebies, do check them out! Log In
Thank you guys for sharing all these wonderful websites! I have bookmarked this page for future reference.
That's what I was going to suggest, too. There are a lot of crappy books there, too, but they're free. They're constantly adding new free ones, too, or putting up temporary promotions that offer new free ones. I tend to just read them on my computer or tablet because it's easy to download, too.
You probably don't need a third person to suggest Project Gutenberg, but I really cannot stress how awesome this project is. The books are old and are up for free to download because their copyrights have expired. So, while you won't be getting the New York Times' bestsellers for free, you would be getting the classics. I think people are always so ready and willing to read the next best thing, or the next best series, that they forget that there are books that have been around for so long and are timeless. If you're in between books or waiting for a book to get published, I would recommend checking out Project Gutenberg. Once you get past the classics, it's really interesting to see what other books have been published.
I recently got a Blackberry playbook, they are a great way to download the free apps, one of which is the free e-books. I just love the choice that you get with the e-books. I also notice that if you register with them they send you the newest releases for you to buy, so you are always kept up to date with whats new. I thoroughly enjoy the free kindle books that you get when purchasing a new kindle, there are so many to choose from.
This is the first time that I hve heard of Internet Archive, although I am familiar with Project Gutenburg, and adore that site. Thanks so much for this info, because I really love to read therefore it seems like one can never have too many resources to check into. I'm looking forward to seeing what videos and songs that they have
Thanks for sharing all of the sites that allow free downloads. I will be checking them to see what they have I might be interested in.
Also, a good way to check google for ebooks is to type this in the search engine (with quotes) "index of/" "medical"+".pdf" This will search indexes of sites that have these books. And it can also be used for other such searches.
Oh I'm happy I discovered this thread. I used to get all my books from torrents. I'd get an idea I want to read something and then just scavenge the internet for a full version of it. But this way I can actually browse books when I'm out ideas. This made my day. Thank you.
Yeah, Project Gutenbueg and The Internet Archive are definitely good sources. I remember Project Gutenberg from way back in the BBS days using my 1200 baud modem! The books were all simple text files you could download. Okay, get ready. Here's are two resources that should keep you busy for quite a while:Log InLog In