Hey y'all, I know it sounds terrible. But every once in a while, I need a break from my baby. I think you all secretly do as well. Sometimes I just need a few minutes to sit down and sip on a cup of tea. Other times, I need to make dinner, catch up on my phone calls, or read the news. When I put my baby on the carpet, he rolls over on to his face, and it is a hazard. When I need a minute, I'll put him in his baby-swing, his exersaucer, his bouncer or his crib. That way, even if he's bored, at least I know he's safe. He usually goes the longest without crying in his baby-swing. It can keep him preoccupied for up to 30 minutes! What is your favourite way to "ignore" your baby while ensuring he is preoccupied?
It depends how old your baby is and on what is able to do. If he can sit up, give him a box of toys. Babies enjoy pulling objects out of boxes. Refill it every couple of minutes. Make sure the objects are big enough so he can't choke on them. You can also let him play with your tupperware. Again, they love to pull things out of boxes, cabinets, shelves. You can use your tupperware or plastic containers to fill the lower cabinets and he will entertain himself. Throw some rice or bread outside your door and let the birds come and eat. This will give your baby a free bird show while you do some work around the house. If he is already crawling, let him crawl in a contained area.
My first napped great so I used that time for myself. My second only napped about 20 minutes at a time. I pretty much had to wait for another adult to be around to get a break. I used a baby carrier for the first few months just to keep my hands free. Once she could have Cheerios those kept her occupied for a few minutes. Occasionally I'd put her in her stroller and push her around the house. She always slept better in there.
Naps are really the only thing I have for that much time. For small preoccupations, she loves playing with bottles and lids. It will entertain her for a long while, but I still need to be actively watching her to make sure she doesn't get up and head off to another room.
I tried the baby swing but my son hated it. I couldn't believe how much he did not want to be in it. We got it as a baby shower gift and was excited, but it was a total waste for us. My son also didn't like to take naps and didn't want to go into his crib. He did like the bouncer for a little bit or his playpen as long as he was where he could see someone while he was in it. He also liked and still likes his stroller. He could be so upset and if I put him in there and push him around, he's just fine.