Log In recently added some new bags collection in its store and today I will review one of them with you guys. Log In This bag was available in two colors.One was black and white and the other one was brown and white but I chose the black and white one. It is a very elegant bag and has a logo of Eiffel tower on it.This bag is very spacious and it can carry a lot of products in it. It has a small pocket in it as well to store little thing like keys,mobile,money etc. Mainly it made of canvas but the bottom and the strap of it is made of leather which makes it very durable. The best part about this bag is that it has two kinds of straps.One is the smaller one which is about 17cm and the other is the longer one which is about 41cm. So you can wear it in two ways. Overall, I am just loving this bag and I recommend you all to check outLog Inbags collection.You can find a wide variety of bags in their store and they all are in very reasonable prices. Log In Ranking: 10/10 If you are interested in buying this bag or any other product from their site then you can always use my 10% OFF Code. Code: BF5K31 Visit:Log In.