Some sellers can be quite dishonest, I encountered one that didn't even respond to my messages and as expected, the seller never refunded my money. I should have won an LCD screen (regular price is $6) for my phone and a sling bag for only $1+ but I failed to get my money back since it was past 45 days since I paid. I also encountered that tactic too with the other sellers, so it's a good move that Ebay extended their dispute timeframe up to 180 days.
If the seller you purchased the items from is a relatively new seller, your money will be on hold with PayPal for a couple weeks after they've shipped the item, before they can gain access to it, so you should still be protected. So push comes to shove, PayPal should be able to put the money back into your account if the items never ship. I seldom sell anything on eBay as well, and last month I sold a bunch of camera gear on there, and they held my money for almost two weeks. I believe the holding period began the moment they were able to confirm I shipped the items, and lasted for a few days after the buyers received their shipments. If you are ordering overseas, as others noted, the items can take weeks if not months to arrive.
I have had this happen to me in the past. The first thing you have to do is make an attempt to contact the seller. Then you have to wait a certain length of time for them to respond. You issue a complaint with Paypal and they walk you through the steps. I am glad to hear the your items were shipped. Mine never were but PayPal gave me my money back after trying to contact the seller numerous time. I was very pleased with the service I received from PayPal.
I didn't realize the dispute time had been extended to 180 days. That's good as a buyer, but not necessarily for sellers. I sure don't want someone who's changed his/her mind about a purchase coming after me half a year after I have sold the item and moved on. I purchased some small items from Hong Kong the other day, and they were shipped without any sort of tracking. Hopefully I'll get them within a couple of months.
I would contact the seller and have them cancel and refund your money or ask them when they will be shipping your items. Don't be surprised if you never hear anything and never receive your products or a refund it happened to me twice.
Honestly, given the price of these items, I'm guessing perhaps the seller probably waits to do all their shipping at once, every several days, instead of running back and forth to the post office like crazy and standing in line over and over again for each item. Post office lines suck, and the last thing I would want to be doing if I were a vendor would be spending half my day standing in lines over and over again to ship one item at a time. I would consider it perfectly feasible that they might have waited a week to even go to the post office to ship those orders, so you've got the time they even took to ship the items, plus the standard shipping time. Hopefully the orders arrived by now. But personally, when items are that inexpensive, and what little profit the seller is making from them, I wouldn't be as worried about how fast they shipped.
I thought it said 7 years, and I was going to start laughing to no end. Don't sweat items that don't ship out immediately, although something fishy is probably happening after 7 business days. You have, what, 45 days to request a refund or make a return? That's regardless of a seller's shipping and refund policies because buyer protection has you covered. Then again, anyone that waits 45 days to want a refund obviously doesn't know how eBay works.
That is what I dislike about Ebay, you can never be sure you are buying from someone responsible, and you are at their hands - if they take long to send, don't send on appropriate packaging and stuff like that you may complain, but it's not as easy as a company ... you can't hold them accountable as much as you could with a regular reputable store.
eBay has earned fame of being the place where scammers headquarters, so buying from eBay is oftentimes much like playing a game of chance. However there are times when the seller does not live in the USA despite he/she has signed for a US account, so when it is not a scam or rip off, just make happens that you package will arrive after several months!