Hello. I just received a bridal shower invite for a good aquaintence friend I used to work with. She's getting married a month after the shower. What's a good creative bridal shower gift idea that I can get for a bargain without it looking cheap? My budget is about $25.
Check out ebay or amazon marketplace for a cute gift set or sexy lingerie set. If you want to keep it classy then buy her something for her home at your nearest Home Goods store to find a pretty vase.
You could make a pretty nice gift basket with lotions, soaps and bath goods. I would also check out Etsy. Even though some of the stuff on Etsy can be expensive, you can get some good ideas and make them yourself for a lot less money. Another idea is to go in together on a gift with some other people in order to get a more expensive gift.
My favorite wedding shower gift was a laundry basket filled with cleaning supplies. It was something no one else thought to get me, but things I would need when I moved in with my husband. It had laundry detergent, fabric softener sheets, glass cleaner, comet, all-purpose cleaner, some dish rags and sponges, and a couple other things. Another gift I liked was a nice colander filled with all the ingredients (and recipe card) to make some sort of pasta. Can you tell I am all about practical and useful gifts?
I always try to go the personal route for all gift giving. Something you know they will use or something you know they will appreciate. To me it's a watse of money to buy yet another nic nac in need od dusting. Recently I went to a distant cousins bridal wedding, someone I haven't seen in years and really knew nothing about. I put together a cookbook of family recipes trying to make sure I included recipes from each branch of the family tree. I included family photos of who contributed the recipes. I put it together on my computer down loaded it on a cd hand it printed and bound for under 25.00.
Bridal shower is a highly anticipated and important wedding related event, in which the bride-to-be receive love and blessings of her friends and relatives along with the special and significant gift item.
This is well after the fact, but in a situation like this a gift basket is always a good. You can buy a lot of fun little things for couples to use together and no one has to know what you've spent. Just come up with a theme like romance or something sexy and fill up the basket with items the couple can have fun with. Just remember a shower is about the bride, so even a de-stress before the wedding basket would be good.