I'm sure we've all heard the message before, that it's important to buy what you need...in bulk, so that you don't have to spend the extra dollars on buying the same stuff in individual packs. Of course, what I'm learning now is that the same thing/concept actually applies to baby supplies! More specifically diapers! Sure, it's a physically straining thing to think about when you consider that huuuuge box of diapers from the wholesale club...but according to parents.com, doing this can actually save you about $170 a year! Now, in my books, that's more than worth it! I'll just fire up the tractor right now to carry it! But what about you? Would you rather save yourselves the physical effort by buying a fair amount every now and then, as opposed to this big, 228-count carton? Do you think that this statistic actually represents the cost difference? Or is it all a big exaggeration? Let me know your views!
That is a huge savings on diapers! I will buy that huge box in a heartbeat lol! Problem is, I have not seen diapers in bulk in our malls or grocery stores. I even tried going into this members only wholesale grocery store but alas, no bulk diapers. I would love to save money and buy that big box, never mind with the weight of it!
Wow that's huge! Unfortunately me and the girl can't have kids for a few more years but will be looking for ways to save on this kind of stuff too so thank you for posting. Does anyone use cloth diapers? I was raised on them and I guess they are starting to make a comeback. A friend of mine says they are not really that bad and she saves a ton of cash.
Buying d iapers in bulk seems to be a sensible idea at first but do make sure that it's a brand w hich suits your baby. Otherwise, it could be a very expensive mistake. Also be careful not to buy too many in the current size as it is inevitable that bigger diapers will be needed at some point.
I don't have any children, but I have three younger siblings, who I played quite a big part in helping to raise. Through helping to raise them. my opinion is that it makes a lot more sense to purchase bulk diapers. The smaller packs of diapers can be quite pricey and you are not getting value for your money. It is best to just pay that little bit extra for the bulk packets. Diapers can be very expensive, so the smart thing to do is choose brands and pack size wisely.
As long as you're getting quality diapers, then buying in bulk isn't a bad idea here. I mean, you're guaranteed to go through at least hundreds of diapers before a baby grows into a toddler that doesn't need diapers. You might as well hoard them at a lower price per unit from the beginning in order to save a noticeable amount of money long-term. Of course, you'll need to storage to keep all of those diapers lying around!
It is such a good idea to buy in bulk. We just bought in bulk for diapers and I already know it's great because it's going to save us spending money in a few weeks when we could have been buying them. Then we can use that money on something else we need. We don't do that often, but when we do it really helps. And if you can, it should carry over to other supplies like wipes and things like that, toilet paper, etc.
My mother had a stroke 5 years ago that left half her body paralyzed. She is using diapers now for convenience. And since we regularly buy diapers, I always order a box or 2 in the supermarket. One box of diaper is cheaper by 5% (sometimes only 2% depending on the store) but it's okay with me no matter how small the discount. What's important is we do not run out of stock of diapers for my 81-year old mother.
When my kids were babies I always bought diapers in bulk. Usually I would get them at Costco, the prices for the big case of diapers is the best around. If I couldn't get them there I would watch for a sale on Pampers and use a coupon to save money on the big case of diapers. I never minded having hundreds of diapers in the house. It was comforting knowing you'd never run out of them. I would also do the same for baby wipes. I would buy the big case at Costco and they would last forever. Sometimes Costco even puts their already discounted prices for diapers lower by offering store coupons on the diaper cases. When this happened I would buy 2 cases of diapers.
Most often, I think buying diapers in bulk saves money. However, there are times when due to the sale price of a certain size package plus the coupon where the smaller package ends up being less expensive! While at the store, I always whip out my cell phone to do the math on my calculator to determine the cost per diaper. Once you have the unit price figured out, it's much easier to tell which option is the best deal! Also, I bought a bulk box of diapers once thinking we would go through them before the next growth spurt, but I was wrong, and left with half of a box of diapers that ended up being too small! Once opened, diapers are not returnable. This is something that I am cautious of before buying the large bulk boxes today.
I think it's a good idea as long as you are already stable with a certain brand and style, and also if you know how much you will be using in a year roughly. If not then you risk buying more than what you need or even worse you risk buying the wrong type. The good thing is even if you buy excess I'm sure many people will be willing to take them off your hands even if you just sell them at a small loss, and considering you save link most $200 doing this then you probably won't lose as much as you've already saved.
I sometimes buy bulk, and sometimes the individual packs. I'll wait until sales and make a decision. I've saved a lot of money purchasing diapers through the subscribe and save on Amazon, but also using points, coupons and credits at places like CVS or Rite Aid. I rarely buy my diapers wholesale at Costco, but if I do, it's only when they are on sale. Just like most things, you can really save on diapers if you shop around, find the sales and use coupons.
I always buy the big box of diapers! I have two kids my 3 year old is out of diapers but I have always bought the biggest box. There is actually a lot of savings when you do that. I live in Canada and here a pack of like 40 diapers is I believe around $13 or $14. I buy the biggest box of huggies size 6 that is around 140 for $30 when it is on sale.