Yes, this is very true. I have noticed how over the years the meat has become very thin in the burgers and they try to add more lettuce to make it seem better. I usually end up ordering chicken nuggets or even french fries because I do not like how my meal mostly consists of bread which is even more fattening in the long run. I can definitely agree with your choices of going to places like Wendy's.
There are hardly any Wendy's restaurants left though. The only one here in New York City is downtown in Manhattan. Back in the old days, there used to be as many in the NYC are as there were McDonald's or Burger King's.
I haven't tried burger King in years, mainly because the two locals ones to me are always PACKED and I will give up after queuing for about 15 minutes and normally head to KFC or an independent takeaway shop.
I've never really rated burger king at all. The last time I got a meal from there was on holiday in tenerife about four years ago. I actually thought I was in Mcdonalds and was asking for a big mac meal. I was so drunk I just kept repeating it, even when they were saying to me "we don't do big mac meals". lol
I'm not sure what the point in your post is. I'm not sure if you actually read the thread because your post has nothing to do with the original post...
I went to burger king the other day and had a new burger they have and it was pretty nasty the buger was dry and tasted a little weird I guess it just depends on whos making it
It really does. As they advertise more new menu items things get trickier for the cooks. Hence they screw up the recipes more often. About the only thing any fast food restaurant cooking staff can't screw up are french fries and onion rings.
Seeing as how the obesity rate has sky rocketed, I think it's socially responsible for Burger King to make their portions smaller. I have not gone to Burger King in a while. I used to adore their Whoppers and shakes, but I haven't been craving that type of food. Also there aren't many Burger Kings in my area. I see their commercials a lot, though. I think they have a really diverse menu that sets them apart. I remember a few years back, BK was one of the only chain burger companies to have a taco on the menu.
Judging from the reviews, I don't think I will be returning to Burger King anytime soon. I haven't been one to a year or so, but I preferred McDonalds over Burger King. The last time I went to Burger King was when I came home from a trip, and picked up a whopper and some fries at BK. Honestly, the burger tasted okay, and so did the fries. I imagine they changed something this year.
Burger King used to be better than McDonald's because of the flamegrilled burgers. I've never really liked McDonald's, the burgers patties are dry and devoid of any flavour. I would rather make my own burger than eat eat McDonald's or Burger King, both are just as bad as each other nowadays.
My Burger King always dissapoints me anymore too. It's fast food, so sometimes the workers are lazy on their portions too. I used to work at Taco Bell, and we had to be skimpy on everything which is really a rip off! I know that the food quality is low too. Fast food is fast food.
I largely agree with this. I know it sounds ridiculous, but McDonalds is the home made fast food of the fast food chains. It seems they make they food with care... that or it's just full of chemicals that left me addicted to it. But those french fries are great, that we can agree!