Buying Dog Food in Bulk

Discussion in Pets started by bintzc • Mar 23, 2014.

  1. bintzc

    bintzcNew Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    My dog is a year old and up until recently we would be running to the store every few weeks to buy him another bag of food. We would buy the standard size bag, not the jumbo one, as we could store the bag in his "drawer" and scoop the food directly into his bowl.

    That is until one day when I did the price comparison. Even though I'd have to toss out a few more dollars for the gigantic bag, it would be much more cost effective to go that route. With help from a nice employee, I lifted the huge bag into my cart and went to the check out. Turns out the brand of food was also on SALE!

    I went to the dollar store and got a plastic 7 gallon storage bin with lid to store the food in. We have not been to the pet store in months, I'm amazed at how long it lasted! It's actually much easier to just walk over and scoop it right out of the bin than to fiddle with a bag, etc. The best part is, the store has sent us coupons in the mail for his brand of food so the next time we need to go buy more (I'm guessing in about three weeks...) we will be ready for a deal!

    Maybe that seems like common sense, but buying dog food in bulk has worked out great for us. Of course you need to be able to deal with transporting the larger bag home...and buy something to put it in with a strong lid (our dog already tried to break in, but we got a bin with locking handles). I'm glad we thought of this idea before we spent more money on the small bags!