Do you still buy movies? Recently I bought a DVD from the discount bin at Best Buy and realized that I almost never buy movies anymore. In my mind it just isn't worth it. Betweeen Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, and Redbox, I can watch most movies for next to nothing. Whereas, if you buy a new Blu-ray you are spending close to $20 or more.
I feel the same way. Back in the day I used to splurge a lot on buying or renting DVDs though even then my friends and I had a good system where we would are our DVDs with each other so we didn't end up spending that much as a group. These days I just pay for streaming services monthly and just watch from there as I'm not really a collector and don't find much value in having a collection of discs. I can understand why it would be worth it for some though and I have to admit sometimes I am curious about the extras that those discs contain.
I am not a movie head, so I find it hard to understand the appeal of owning tons of DVDs. Yeah they sometimes have bonuses like you mentioned, but I don't care for those. For video games, having a physical game allows you to reell it or share it with your friend. For music, CDs still come packaged with really cool art on the booklet and disk. I just don't see anything like that for DVDs.
If one day all I'll ever have is electricity and no internet I will have VHS, CDs, DVDs, blu-rays, etc. to console me. I buy the majority of my media from flea markets which is always a bargain. I have found that the availability of all types of media at the flea market is worth my time and a couple of bucks to buy a movie that I want to watch and when I want to watch it is even better than cable, satellite tv, Netflix, etc. not to forget cheaper too. No commercials, infomercials, blackouts, just pure uninterrupted entertainment with the added convenience of rewinding, pausing and other functions as needed.
I am a movie fan and even I don't understand it all that much either but mostly just because I'm not really a collector and I think that's most of the appeal of buying Blurays and DVDs. Whenever I see or hear of someone buying discs they usually have a large collection already. What I find odd is that I'm sure they already know how fast formats get outdated so thinking of those who have already bought lots of DVDs in the past only to have them be outdated just a decade later makes me wonder why the collectors of Blurays think this format will be any different. I'm sure it's just a bit of fun in having a collection though and like I said probably also a bit for the extra features as well. I just personally don't find the appeal too.
I have to agree, I never collect DVD's anymore or blu-ray for the matter because everything these days is digital and I like it that way. I have my own server at home for streaming all of my in home content because when I go out, sometimes I get bored and want to watch something that I know I have to wait to get home and do. Well not anymore thanks to that in home server, it's much cheaper like you said to just stream everything anyway.
To save money you can buy used DVDs. They aren't that expensive and you get to have the movie with your forever. Good thing about DVDs is that once you buy them and you have friends who also regularly buy DVDs, you could swap them for other movies you've never watched. If you have some sort of movie club [with say 50 members] that would mean getting no less than 100 free movies to watch if all of you buy only two DVDs.
I can not remember the last time I purchased or watched a DVD because I was never really a movie kind of person. But I do buy a lot of comedy shows and sitcoms on DVD from Ebay, Amazon and from shops likes Cash Converters at some very cheap prices. £1 for an entire sitcom series is a nice bargain in my eyes.