Do you usually buy a gift for yourself when you have a birthday or do you see gifts from others as sufficient? While I do appreciate gifts from others, I have on occasion also bought myself something nice for my birthday. I see this as doing something nice for myself. It could be a nice dress, a blouse, a bag or a pair of shoes. It is refreshing to buy something new just to celebrate your special day. When I buy something for myself it is usually something that I really like or need, but a gift from a family member or friend would also be appreciated because of the thought behind the gift.
I love to buy myself a little something for my birthday. I think I deserve it. It is the only time that I am selfish for the year. I give all year and when I want something, I splurge and buy it for myself on my birthday.
I have a budget for myself. I use my penny earning money and my cash back money as my health and beauty budget. Since the money is there, then yes I do buy myself a little something now and then. I just had a birthday and I bought myself a really cut top. Short sleeve, button, light cotton, kind of a muted melon stripe.
I buy myself birthday gifts with the birthday money given to me. Of course, I don't blow it ALL off on one gift, but if there's something I've been eyeing for awhile, I buy it for myself as a little treat for getting older. Sometimes I buy myself gifts for other special occasions such as Christmas and graduation but not all the time.
I reckon I am a winner when it comes to reduced expenditure when it to the issue of of birthday gifts. I usually go spiritual thanking God for preserving my life and then go ahead to make new resolutions. Thus my birthday gifts are intangible and don't involve a cost element. Most birthdays done in our place are dedicated to kids and the aged since most people are jaded with birthday celebrations.
It does feel like it’s selfish but I do buy myself gifts when my birthday arrives. I’ve been doing it since I started earning my own money. If I remember correctly, the first birthday gift I bought for myself was a Sony digital camera. After more than five years, I still have the camera which is nice. It has turned into some sort of a birthday tradition for me. When my birthday is approaching, I would set aside some money to buy something for myself.
I never buy myself birthday gifts. If there's something I want for myself then I'll add it to a list of things I'd like to have and at the end of the year, take a look at my savings and determine which of them I'll buy. To be honest I don't care that much about birthdays. The last time I had a birthday celebration was when I was a kid.
Sometimes I buy gifts for myself on my birthday, but not every year. Things that I buy for myself on my birthday always have a special attraction for me because it gives me a feeling that I bought for my birthday. Sometimes on my birthday, I go for shopping and I buy a lot of things for me and my wife.
I always buy gifts for myself. I'd rather do it myself because I know what I like. I appreciate gifts from other people on the rare occasion I get them too though.
Gee, I like this thread but not exactly what it means. I want to buy a gift for myself but with a sponsor. Last year, we were in Singapore where I celebrated my birthday. My husband brought me to a boutique and asked me to choose a bag that I desire. You won't believe it but it took me more than 30 minutes to choose. I understand that my husband had a target budget for he is not a millionaire but I also want something good for myself. So I tried to strike a balance, not so expensive and not so cheap. I got a handbag.
I enjoy getting gifts from others, but there are always certain things that it's fun to buy for ourselves, for an extra treat. I used to always buy myself something nice for my birthday, Christmas, and also Valentine's Day. Sometimes it would be a piece of jewelry, clothing, or something else. I enjoy cooking and baking, so sometimes I would even purchase a nice tea kettle, some bake ware, or other things like that. Times are tight right now, so I'm less inclined to purchase high end treats like I used to for myself, but I still do something special, even if it's just a small gift.
No, I found that kind of sad. I buy the things I want when I can afford to buy it. I'm usually fine with a birthday party and a few gift that people gave me from their own iniciative.
Yes I have bought myself birthday gifts or rather I've been out shopping and I see something I like and it just so happens to be close to my birthday. I have been able to justify buying a new dress or top by saying to myself it's a birthday present for me. I find it fun to buy myself an extra treat on my birthday. I don't do this every year but once in a while I'll spoil myself. I find family and friends will buy me practical items for my birthday - gardening or cooking things. So when I buy myself a new dress it's something more of a treat item.
I too have bought myself some pressies when I could afford it and had a little extra to spare. I don't do it with every birthday, though. It's usually when I genuinely believe I've earned it and deserve it. If you have the money to spare, I really don't see anything wrong with it. It IS your money after all, what you do with it is entirely up to you, whatever you want to label it as!
On my birthday, it's my kid who I treat to his favorite fast food restaurant, lol! I do buy things for myself depending on what my budget would allow. I would sometimes buy a book, watch a movie or just treat myself to a facial. I don't really have to spend too much to bring myself a little bit of happiness even for just a day. I have a new goal of saving up for a renovation for an additional room so that would take time. I don't mind sacrificing because eventually, this is for me and my boy as well.
For me, I don't usually buy myself anything for those occasions but I would treat myself by relaxing and eating something I really like and mostly putting things off until the next day. Why put up with on my birthday when I can put up with until tomorrow?
For my birthday I usually buy something my daughter will enjoy or needs. If I don't buy anything I will give myself an entire day with my child of fun, usually going out to fun places where I can see her smile and be happy. Her happiness and well being is my present year round.
I have never bought myself a birthday gift. It is not something that I am used to and I feel it is not necessary. If I do want something I buy it when I can afford it but it has never been on my birthday. That tradition might add an unnecessary expenditure on my list.
I do not think that I have ever done this, and it really goes against much of what I believe and how I operate. I like to save money if at all possible, so I am not sure this is the best way.
I am not use to buying myself a gift during my birthday. I see that as something that's not suppose go that way. I am the one celebrating I expect others to be the ones honoring with gifts as birthday present. The same way I would get a birthday gift to a friend or family member having birthday celebration. I feel it may not be interesting enough if I am buying myself a gift