Early this year, I engaged in a discussion in which I heard that avocado can treat acne. Members said that avocado mixed with yoghurt and honey and then applied on face could cure it. Considering the cost of avocado as compared to acne medications like antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin, it is cheaper. Avocado also poses few side effects since it is natural. Does this method really work, anyone who has tried it?
It works but no one is patient enough to wait that long. With home remedies, you are supposed to wait longer and be also consistent to do the treatment twice and daily. It needs patience and care for you to see results. It is better to take medicines and use oils prescribed by a dermatologist because they work faster.
I will then advise some people in my country here to adopt the practice. I usually see them deeply rooted to home treatments but they have no idea about modern methods.
I have heard of a lot of different treatments in my day but this might be the strangest, although toothpaste always weirded me out. I am not sure, but I guess it is worth a try if you are convinced it will work.
Hahaha. My thoughts exactly. I was shocked when I heard some use toothpaste as a facial product. That is horrible! Toothpaste is just too harsh in my opionion. I would never use that thing on my face for any reason. With Avocado, honey and yogurt, I can try this out on my face. The products are natural enough.