I have seen some options on Facebook where it is possible to post products with associated information for selling purpose. How much effective it is to use Facebook as like a market place?
Nope, I'm afraid you cannot use Facebook to market your products. The Facebook support is very proactive in recent times and is always on the hunt to delete posts related to marketing and sales/promoting other websites. They have also developed an algorithm which filters such posts as spam and you will get a support notification that the post has been deleted. Use online forums instead. They are free and are a good platform to market your products.
Yes, you can. Facebook has added a feature for selling your products, services or anything that you would like to market. You must create first a page for such product. Then you can find a feature on "Sell Something". You click that then a space to identify what are you going to sell, its price, its location, its short description of the product/service, and image of that product are all required. If you could fill all those info, then your product is posted in your FB page.
This is pretty interesting, but it immediately just made me think of the downside of the personal relationships, at least the potential for that at least. I would not want to clutter those with any feelings of trying to sell them anything.
@Kaushik Angara Thank you for your insightful idea on it. I am trying the explore all the available platform now. @Nakitakona Yes I was talking about this option. Thank you for the details, I going to try this now. @larryl332 But as Facebook itself giving such option, then I dont think its bad thing to do!
I have several Facebook friends who are into business of selling clothes and accessories. What they do is post the picture of the products on their timeline together with the prices. Their timeline is like an online store that you can post for orders. My niece is on the same line but she is selling food items like tarts and pies that she gets from a supplier. They say that earnings is good because they practically have no overhead. I guess this is getting to be the norm when it comes to retailing – using Facebook as a market place.
If you have a lots of friends and followers on facebook, selling through facebook becomes lucrative. However, if you don't have too many friends and followers, selling is difficult. facebook can be used as a social networking site as well as marketplace. However, success largely depends on the kind of people you have on facebook. You can also try paid marketing to attract potential customers.
Facebook offers such an option yes, it's essentially a marketplace and quite effective and actibe at that. I have several offers on daily basis. I think you can definetely try your luck.
I'm going to look up that page on facebook for selling things, thanks for the valuable information. I always use my facebook for marketing my e-books. I share a lot of things and follow a lot of people. I try to stimulate following so I get a bigger audience. I use my facebook for communicating with family and friends too. I like facebook for multi-tasking my social and business life. Definitely you can use your facebook pages for selling.
You can decide to use Facebook for pretty much anything at all these days. There is just no limit to what you can come up with and create on here, both through paid service and for free. You just need to ask around and enquire as to what exactly you wish to do, and then make it happen....
I've seen it and I think it only shows products that have been posted by people in your local area, am I right? It seems to be decent but I don't think it will ever be as good as sites like Gumtree or eBay for selling your stuff. I think people that use these Facebook groups previously to buy things tend to be quite picky about prices and will always try to reduce the price. Most of the time they don't actually buy so personally I wouldn't bother with it.
Social media nowadays has a significant impact on the marketplace as it can be seen by how many companies have embraced it and are using it in order to reach a wider base of customers, but in order for it to be successful you need to have a decent amount of followers.
Well at this point I would probably assume that you could use the site for pretty much anything. I am not really sure how it would work but with a little work I would think that it would be pretty easy.
I don't know about this option but I think it will be very useful for both buyers and sellers. I think posting this will help in reaching the product for a wide range of people around the world.
I know of a lady who sells bags, clothes, shoes and so on for ladies and gents, and uses her Facebook page to promote her business a big deal. Personally I have asked about a particular pair of shoes I saw on her timeline, just that the price was high for me, would have gone for it. The most convenient, economic and far reaching medium to show items on sale is Facebook I think. What's important is to work on having a large number of followers and use Facebook advertising tools to reach thousands with your good product.
Facebook is a placer to connect with friends, families and likeminded people. There is also another aspect of using facebook. You can use facebook as a marketing tool or marketing platform. Since facebook has millions of users, when you use facebook to market or promote your product, you can reach to hundreds of thousands potential customers.
Yes, you can. You can post your products on different market pages such as those selling gadgets, clothes and more. You can also make your own business page. Facebook will show you ratings on how many has visited your page from the day you created it.
It depends on what you're selling and how known you or your business is. In my country, since it is small, we have a lot of different groups that we can go in to sell our items or search for items being sold. We then com to an agreement and meet and trade. Most of these items are technological items so there is always a market for them.
I never thought of Facebook that way (maybe because I don't use Facebook more often as I used to), but I think it's perfectly possible because I think that's actually one of the functions for which it was created)... But in case of doubt, send a message to the owner.
Yes you can and i have seen numerous people who market their businesses and products through groups, invites and own pages. Nowadays social media has made marketing far easier than it was and more accessible so you should take advantage of it.