I explain the exact situation in another thread here:Log In But I realized, that as I was initially making that thread to complain about Rite-Aid charging me twice, that I don't really understand what happened. I had about $1.80 on my Paypal account when I was charged an additional $20.59. But the next morning, Rite-Aid corrected the error, and my account was reimbursed. But instead of going back to the original $1.80, My account ended up at $20.59. Now, I didn't notice any of this until after my money had been reimbursed, so I never saw whether or not my account was in the negative. But I just can't explain what happened here. Can anyone explain? Can a Paypal account not go into the negative?
A PayPal account can absolutely go into the negatives, but that only happens with ETF transfers or debit purchases in which the charged amount is higher than the original authorization. PayPal will let you know when your account goes negative, and they'll give you 7 days to remedy the situation before they limit your account. Don't ever let your account get limited because you'll regret it. It's a hassle. Otherwise, I have no idea what actually happened with your account here.
Troutski pretty much explained everything, but that is is odd. Did they just reimburse all the money into your pay pal account? If you can't figure it out just from your Pay Pal statements, you may want to send an e-mail out to figure it out if you're worried about it.
Paypal has been very screwy for me lately but is been directly related to ebay issues. That is such a strange situation and the worst part is that calling customer service will likely result in a confused worker who has no idea why the automated system generated such an error. If I'm not losing money, I wouldn't even bother calling them to be honest. They aren't very helpful unless you speak to a supervisor and even then they are generally clueless and following the guidelines. Now that the month has rolled over did you notice any change in the account? because usually there is an automatic audit when they send out their statements or tabulate the montlhy expenses on your account.