Which one of them is the best value for the money? Well, it does seem to be the case (though it could be subjective) that glass cokes, Pepsi taste better. However, they're massively more expensive. Oh, and regarding the others, well, I cannot really decide if cans or bottles are cheaper and which has the better taste.
I have found that in my area it is more convinient as it is cheaper to buy large bottles of coke in plastic, sure it does taste better in the glass bottle but you do get more product in the plastic ones for cheaper. I buy the 2.5 liter one that can last me three days. The canned ones are almost the same as the glass ones in price range.
Coke and Pepsi in glass bottles of 750 ml is a lot cheaper than 355 ml soda in bottle considering the size difference. In fact, they almost cost the same here. The 750 ml glass bottle is my preferred size and if I need to serve more people, I'll just buy more of it. If I only want to buy soda for myself, I just keep the leftover in the fridge and consume it the following day. Notice that while the bigger plastic bottles are resealable, the soda 'spirit' is not as well retained as those sold in bottles. And yes, soda sold in glass bottles taste a lot better than those sold in plastic bottles. They cool so much faster, too. Over here, coke in plastic bottles are so much more expensive because you also need to pay for packaging. Coke in glass bottles come off cheaper because the bottle can be returned to the store for a rebate or the buyer can bring his/her own bottle and not pay more for bottle deposit.
Mexican coke is recently becoming famous in the US because it tasted better. It uses real sugar instead of corn syrup as sweetener and it's container is glass bottle. Sodas in glass bottles are actually more refreshing than canned and plastic bottled ones.
Of course you would get better value if you buy the bottle ones, especially the 2 liter ones as compared to the can ones. I rarely buy those unless they don't have bigger sizes like some drinks I know.
I don't know about the glass ones, maybe you're talking about the ones being served at some popular fast food chains and in some restobar. Well, I found those things ridiculously expensive compared to the bottled (glass bottle) ones. There are now plastic bottled sodas but are more expensive still compared to the glass bottled sodas. I still prefer glass bottled sodas compared to the canned ones.
I think that for a situation of convenience, the can option is very much better compared to the bottle beverages. Cans are a lot portable to carry about if you don't feel taking the drink immediately. When it comes to soft drinks beverage, my preference is Pepsi over Coke. The gas that Coke comes with, is probably the reason why I prefer Pepsi.
In the US, cans can be recycled. That's a big saving and in at least one nation, glass bottles can be returned for reuse and payment, as @Jamille mentioned (or someone can fill up their own glass bottle). Anyway, in the US plastic is recyclable, but you won't' get money for it.
I'll prefer in cans. Especially if you're on the go. Also, it will be less worrying if children will use the can ones rather than the bottled drinks. It may slip from their hands and get broken. Moreover, they might get hurt badly with the broken pieces of glasses. We all know children love soft drinks. For adults, maybe it's okay to have it on the glass.
Coke and Pepsi in 2.25 liter plastic bottles is most economical in my country and I find them almost the same here at my current location. Glass bottles are almost out in my area as no one wants to buy them or wants to return them to shops. Also I generally do not buy cola drinks in plastic glass as their taste is not the same as in factory sealed bottles.
Glass sodas tastes better but I rarely take soda nowadays. At my place, plastic bottled soda is much more expensive than glass bottled soda. This is because, plastic bottles are not refundable. If you want to buy just one soda and take at home, then plastic soda is suitable. A glass soda is cheaper because when you return the empty glass bottle to the shop, you get 40% of the total price you had payed initially. Canned soda is highly valued and so it will always be expensive at my place.
I didn't know the taste from plastic bottles is different from glass bottles. What I do notice is the taste of the different range of fizzy drinks like coke in different forms. Say for example Coke Light. To me, it tastes the same whether in cans or in bottles.
I think glass bottled soda has a better taste than in cans. However, I usually buy soda in a can because I am pretty sure that it was really clean and cannot be recycled. Here in my country, a bottle of soda is usually recycled. They just clean the bottle and refill it again with soda. I also encountered some problems with glass bottle like for example if I open the bottle with my opener, sometimes the upper part of the bottle will crack and eventually, the glass particle will go to my soda and I can't drink it anymore.
In this part of the world, plastic and can soda cost the same and their cost is more than that of Bottle soda. I'm not sure about cans but I know that those bottles are being recycled to the extent that sometimes you find rust at the opening of the bottles. The plastic on the other hand are more economical because most people after using them save them to refill other products in them or they sell them to people who buy them in bulk. I feel the soda that comes in cans aren't as tasty as bottled ones though.
@Jason76 I used to think that buying bottled water (I drink sparkling water) would help to save some money, since I like to pour some in a glass with ice cubes. I figured I could keep putting the cap back on and returning them to the fridge so they wouldn't go flat and then go back to them when I wanted more. But this plan didn't work so well. No matter HOW TIGHTLY I would place the cap back on the bottle, it would always seem flat by the next day. So I just go with really small cans now, at least I can pour the whole thing into my glass instead of letting the rest just sit there and go flat anyway (when I would use the larger cans.) Another thing I learned was that Perrier Sparkling Lime water is $1.50 more than La Croix, and they both taste pretty much the same. So I just go with the La Croix, it's the only way I've found to save $$ with this. As for the bottles instead of cans, it just didn't work out.
Honestly, I haven't noticed a difference in taste between those in bottles, plastic bottles or cans. I tend to usually buy soda in a plastic bottle large size two liter because that is the best value overall. You just have to try to use it all before it goes flat.
@Jamille Same here, the cheapest to buy is the 2-liter bottle of soda, be it Coke or Pepsi. Computing against the can, the big bottle saves me 30% of the cost. However, I have to admit that the taste is not the same, I still like the Coke in the red can. But for the home, especially for house guests, we have the big bottle in the stock room.
I think plastic bottles are cheaper here, and they are more common too. I haven not been seeing glass bottles for a long time, I am not sure if we still have them in our market. My husband once went to Thailand and bought a glass bottle of Coca-Cola, that's for collection, as we haven't been seeing them for years. I did not know the taste is different between plastic bottles and glass bottles too, but I think glass is always better.
I would have to say that plastic bottle might be a bit cheaper than bottled ones. The reason I say that is because I think plastic is a bit easier to make than glass bottles, hence way they may be a bit cheaper in the markets. I really can't remember drinking soda from a glass bottle but I don't think it would taste too different.
All the reasons taken in account but the most reasonable point is that plastic weights far lesser and easiest to recycle so it serves two major causes. One you can transport more bottles at same cost besides you recycle the used bottles at a lower cost too. Let me give another important point here that raw material for glass contains silica which is not easily available everywhere.