To say food can't be compared to drug use because the effects aren't as bad.. well, then I guess marijuana isn't a drug then. Pain meds. Lots of drugs aren't as bad as the ones most here are thinking of. If I handed you a something right now that made you feel good, but gave you heart disease, attacked your organs (whether you realize it or not), made you fat, made your brain slow down, made you want more and more and more.. would you take it? No. Yet people are addicted to it anyway. People risk their lives for it every day. It may not have an immediate noticeable bad reaction to it.. but neither does smoking. Neither does a lot of drugs. "Food" IS a drug these days. No two ways about it. The fact that everyone is in denial about what it's doing to them just because they can't see or feel it right away, is exactly why most of us are unhealthy and or fat. If not now, just you wait. People know what fake foods can do to them.. people know what drugs can do to them... and it doesn't stop them. Sounds like addiction to me.
I really don' think its the same thing at all, being a bit familiar with both of those, I can say that food is just normal and healthy for your body even the "bad" food is never too bad. I have some pretty bad stomach problems, suspect of ulcer and I still eat certain foods that are "not that good" but they don't do me too much harm. While certain drugs can be severely worse than others. Drugs like marijuana are mostly harmless for mostly everyone. Only in very very rare cases, as all mind altering substances, including alcohol, can it cause any sort of harmfull efect like psychosis or heart beating faster which isnt good for cardiacs or make you hungry which isnt good for fat people. On the other hand hard drugs like heroin cause your flesh to rot and cut yourself and look like a zombie. Can you see the difference? Between the drugs but also between the two comparisons? Yeah...
You have an ulcer.. I'm sure by now you know the various issues that can lead to. Could stay mild, could get very very serious. Either way, not good. People treat ulcers and even getting portions of their intestines removed as just a part of life as we get older, but it's absolutely not. We're abusing our bodies with food and drugs and nobody bats an eyelash if it's not called heroin? Yes, one is far worse than the others, but that's everyone's issue. What a way to look at it. Your organs are in danger and you still "eat certain foods that aren't that good". Knowing full well they're damaging to you. It's not whether or not it's classified as a drug or whether or not it's your definition of "bad" or "a hard drug" or not. It's all about addiction. If you deny something is bad for you, or don't deny it but shrug your shoulders at it, all because the immediate satisfaction is more important, that's addiction. Just because something is socially acceptable, doesn't mean it's not going to kill you. In this case slowly, so meh, whatever, right? lol. I'm not saying it's a drug.. that's debatable though lol.. I'm saying it's absolutely comparable.
Not at all. I know there are some people who can destroy their lives with eating but at best food is unhealthy not lethal. You need to eat to live and sometimes the unhealthy food is least expensive. Also it is good to indulge yourself on occasion. This may be the only case for me but another thing is you can't overdo it that much because your stomach will tell you to stop. There's a reason why they put all those side effects on prescription or OTC drugs. Even medication can easily be lethal. Drugs are just a disgusting addiction. Smoking for example makes you smell.
Your opinion will be different once you're older and seeing the affects of a bad diet. Nobody thinks food is that damaging until it damages them lol. Of course it won't kill everyone, or even damage everyone; you might be good to go until you die of old age. Look at all the heavy smokers that live to an old age.. drinkers and drug users too. but to say it isn't lethal isn't true. It kills many people every day. Just because it's cheaper, doesn't mean it's safer. Of course it's ok to indulge. I wouldn't expect anyone to be a purest. But food kills. Look at the stats. It's easy to say it won't hurt us when we're young, but when our bodies start to weaken, so does our ability to heal from what we do to it. I'm not talking about overdoing it in one sitting.. I'm talking about the accumulative affects over time. It's definitely killed more people than marijuana Again, I'm not saying it's the same.. I'm saying it's *comparable*. Key word. We're comparing it right now lol.
Some food seems to have a drug like effect on some people. I think that is pretty much limited to super processed foods and sugars. The body can develop something like an addition to those kind of things because of the dramatic blood sugar swings they cause. I wouldn't call it a drug though because it is fairly easy to change what foods you are eating, unless you have a psychological dependency on a particular food, something similar would work for you. Long term eating of processed foods can make it very difficult to get on and stick to a healthy diet, so in that sense it could be like a drug. I think the most important thing here is to just avoid eating large amounts of junkfood on a regular basis so you don't end up craving it.
I know you're not saying that it's the same but I hardly find it comparable. Like I said I won't discount that it's unhealthy because I can't deal with food as well since I apparently have GERD but it takes more food to take an effect on your body than drugs do. If you are the type that could get addicted you will but if you can't stand them you'll feel sick with one intake. At least if you eat food, it will affect no one around you but if you smoke it will. Food has the same damaging effect as most everything else. Even driving a car can kill more people than marijuana. If we say that food is comparable, then simply living life is comparable.
lol, well no, not quite.. I mean it's comparable because it's addictive more than the damage done. I'm saying people will eat it, knowing what it can do and still they make excuses (YOLO! lol ugh). I believe food is behind most illnesses.. all the gastro issues, the intolerances, the allergies etc etc etc.. they should just unlabel them all, smoosh them together and call it Western Diet Disease. So food killing millions, the brain changes, the hormone changes, the metabolism and immune system changes, the illnesses, the addiction to it.. this is why I say it's comparable. And food does effect those around us.. in a huge way actually. Depends on the person and if they let it. You obviously don't have a huge issue with food.. step inside the home of someone who is obese or a family watching their father die of heart disease or their mother getting massive chunks of her intestine removed. Or the kids with diabetes or early onset ANYthing these days. You don't see it as much as in North America and there is a very VERY good reason for it. But, I also blame the doctors.. most of them will give you a pill or let you think it's a part of life than tell you you're causing your own slow demise. but even if you tell someone they're sick because of how they eat.. a good number of them will still scarf it down when they get home. Addiction. These industries know exactly what they're doing.. their ingredients are absolutely drug like and they have scientists working hard to make sure of it. This is a depressing conversation lol. But one of few convos I've seen on here, so thanks
My opinion is that these days food is worse than drugs. Not only are they filled with a boatload of harmful stuff, but people are ignorant to it in the majority. When you take drugs into account, people know that drugs aren't good for them, or healthy. They know the risks involved. If people still choose to take them then that is on them. With food on the other hand, people think that hey are following a healthy diet in many cases, never knowing that they are screwing up their body. I wonder why they won't put GMO labeling on all of the GMO food, despite mass requests for GMO labeling. I don't like the lack of choice where food is concerned. So food is worse than drugs in my opinion.
Exactly. Look at the struggle so many people are going through. The millions running a treadmill every day then going home and crying over cake because it's not working. Most people would rather torture themselves with weights and running than give up the foods they love so much. Look at these industries thrive! They're all taking advantage of the current drug of choice. It's huge. Food is scary now. It shouldn't be this difficult for people to get healthy, but it feels impossible to the majority. It's sad to watch.
Yes I get that some people get addicted but as I said you can literally say that about anything. Everything causes cancer and all sorts of diseases nowadays. Also it may worry you if you see a loved one in that predicament but it doesn't affect you PERSONALLY. There's no such thing as secondhand binge is what I'm saying. Some smokers are courteous but many can easily be in the airway even when they don't mean to. I am talking about smoking because it's the most common drug but when a person drives, any drug can impair their judgement even if they're not doing it at the moment. Food only does that if you're eating it at the time of driving. It is a depressing convo but it's what is posted here so I post a reply.
No, I get what you're saying. I guess it's subjective. I may not get fat or have a heart attack watching you eat a burger.. but most people that eat poorly have families that eat poorly and in that sense it is second hand. When their children grow up to be obese because they didn't know a better way. Their addictions are forced on their loved ones. Totally second hand eating and kills more than second hand smoke. Second hand smoke kills 600,000 world wide every year. Obesity kills about 3 million every year. Just obesity.. this doesn't include everyone with the other cajillion food related illnesses that they die from. The number would be mind numbing. Plus many things classified as drugs don't affect others physically either.. they're still drugs. Food is very addictive and it does affect those around us in numerous ways. Seriously, people need rehab just as badly for food addiction as for drug addiction lol. If you did a blind test and described food without saying it's food, you'd think it was a drug LOL. Subjective though, totally..
Yeah I guess it's subjective like a lot of things I do eat "junk" food but I never eat nearly as much as my mom and though I like some sweets she's more into the sweets. Then again I was always the alien so maybe it's just me that is entirely unphased by these things. However I'm still not sure it's a good analysis to say because a family eats poorly the child will. They have their own brain and their own tastebuds. I guess you could say that about drugs too though but I feel like I see more often people who develop drug addictions than food addictions due to family. The other thing I thought of is if food addiction is an equal problem then why don't they have rehab for it? The only rehabs you see are for drugs. There is rehab for eating disorders but that's obviously the opposite problem.
I agree one-hundred-percent. But let's face it; I usually do lol. Because you are a wise woman In my book, exercise does not erase the chemical damage that our constant intake of harmful foods do to our bodies. Yes, you may be in shape as far as conditioning and stamina and whatnot. But just because a person works out, that doesn't make them healthy, which is a common misconception. We try to medicate out the problems that we subconsciously - or consciously - have with food in the strangest ways, when all it would take is a better diet. Then you wouldn't have to do the vigorous workouts in the first place, although the body needs exercise anyway. But I am referring to the vigorous types of workouts.
It is a blanket statement to say most people who eat poorly have families that eat poorly, but I would bet my life I'm close on that lol. People who start out on poor diets have the hardest time of it and most people in developing countries are addicted to bad foods.. it's just a part of our lives now. People fail at diets all the time because they can't let go of certain foods and they usually go for the unhealthy diets that lets them continue eating at least some of what they can't let go of. They don't fail because they don't work out hard enough lol. If you can't live without a certain unhealthy food, you're addicted. Same with healthy foods, but that addiction probably won't kill you lol. Yes, kids have their own taste buds.. but our taste buds lovvvve crap. Most people would choose crappy foods over healthy if there were no consequences. Besides, kids aren't the ones buying the groceries and most would not argue the poor diet.. it's delicious lol. It's also a blanket to judge the entirety of something based only on our own experiences. To say it's not in need of rehab because there is no rehab for it, is just like the millions who say "if it were so bad for us, they wouldn't be allowed to sell it".. and I'm sure you know that's not true. Facts are facts, bad food is highly addictive and anyone addicted to something that could eventually kill them, needs help. Rehab would be great. And it IS an eating disorder.. people get help for overeating, under eating, food addiction, so I guess there are "rehabs" out there. I'd like to see the same seriousness put into it as drug rehabilitation though, but maybe they do, I haven't looked into it. Many people need away from their current lives to escape the hold food has on them. I've been so involved in the fitness and "health" industries for so long.. believe me. Until you see someone ready to kill themselves because food controls their lives, you have no idea how bad it really is out there. Not everyone gets that bad of course.. but food does mess with the brain. You may not get high, but you can get foggy to outright depressed just from eating the wrong foods. And the bigger and unhealthier people get, the worse the mental state becomes. Again, not everyone, but it's safe to say most. People don't like being unhealthy or big. Yet food still trumps. Addiction. ETA: Just did a quick search. There are rehab facilities for food addiction. Ooh so true. I know so many people that work out regularly and aren't healthy in the least. "you can't outrun a bad diet", I love that quote because everyone will always try instead of giving up their drug.. er.. food lol. Proper food and lots of it.. it can reverse illness or at the least, better the quality of life in big ways if it's irreversible. It prevents like crazy! Most people have to get sick before they realize this, but thankfully it's never too late. Many will be on the right track with a few changes.. but to think a treadmill will save you.. ugh.. your days are numbered. Definitely get off our a$$es.. sitting can kill too; but you can't cheat. Our bodies are pretty clever and know when we're still shovelling in the garbage lol. and thank you m'Dreek lol, you know I dig your brain too
To some extent though not completely. If a food gets you hooked - and by hooked I mean totally hooked - then it's no different from a drug. You just can't get enough of it. This is what I feel about Kimchi, chocolate and cheeseburger. However, unlike drug addicts, I still have my wits about me. People heavily addicted to drugs lose reason and sanity, enough to commit dastardly crimes.
Of course it doesn't. Food is needed to survive, while drugs are obviously not. Eating unhealthy food will maybe make you gain a little fat, or it can have no effect on you. On the other hand, smoking Crystal Meth will certainly have an impact on you. In short, no.
I agree. people talk about addictions to drugs, meaning recreational drugs mostly. Or hard drugs. But nobody - or few people - mention or talk about the addiction that almost every human being in the world has with sugar. People see it as harmless but we are all addicted to sugar. Most of us anyway. This is not even natural sugar that we are addicted to, which apparently wasn't and isn't all that sweet to begin with. Many people cannot restraint themselves and will just eat and eat and eat sugary things. That is an addiction to me, and can be just as - if not more - harmful to one's body than other drugs.
Yeah it's a lot easier to endanger other people with drugs. No one's going to be violent or crash someone's car if they're dosed up on sugar or chocolate but the probability is likely if they have enough tobacco or alcohol. It's the same thing with prescription drugs. They can make you heavily drowsy and if you have too much of them in your system you could fall asleep at the wheel.
Lol. I wouldn't put it past anybody - the sugar rush thing I mean. Some people can get pretty hyper, whether they are children or not. Whether you crash a vehicle on sugar or not, its overall effects on the body are really harmful, especially with all of the GMO crap these days. Same goes for long term use of prescription drugs, which are supposed to be good for your health, yet are one of the number one killers in some countries?