I haven't had time to go to the cinema for a while now and wonder what I am missing. I also haven't rented or bought any DVD's recently. I like foreign movies, preferably psychological thrillers. Have you seen a movie lately that really made an impression on you?
I've seen two movies lately that made impressions on me. The first was The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete. This film was very moving in the way that it showed how challenging two youths had it on them to fend for themselves in the projects because their parents were nothing but junkies and they didn't want to be taken to foster homes. It's just one of those showings that hit you when you see it and I just wish kids didn't have to go through this, but this happens in the world out there. Also Frozen was the other movie. This was one of the better animation films Disney has done in a long while. The musical was solid, the adventure was good, the characters were good too and story was decent. I really enjoyed the movie by the end of it, though.
A good new movie is The Wolf of Wall Street featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. This was a pretty good movie with a great message. This is also a great inspiration for those who are money-seeking and are hoping to be financially free in the future. This movie practically inspired me to be wealthy in the future. I want to be able to live a decent life and travel the world. I really suggest this movie because it covers many aspects in doing business. And it's hilarious, but don't watch it with your family because it's rated-R.
I'd suggest watching "Her". It really seems to be the perfect love story of the 21st century. It had some really neat visuals and actually looked futuristic. Once you get past the peculiar concept of a guy falling in love with an operating system and actually sit down and watch it, I guarantee you won't be disappointment. Check it out once you get a chance. Now that I think of it, it should be out on video soon, so maybe get it on Redbox once it undoubtedly ends up there
Frozen is mediocre I am sorry but I have to disagree about Frozen. As I can see the discussion is about "a good movie". What is "good" about Frozen? It had cheesy music, a predictable story line, a plot that had no twists or interesting moments and above all - it was A MUSICAL. The fact that it's one of the better films by Disney lately does not make it a good movie. Everyone makes something better than their previous attempts, but overall I have to say that movie is mediocre. And.. I don't want to start a fight here, but you must be an American. Am I right ? I don't know why but every single musical has a high score in IMDB and 80% of the ratings are done by Americans. It seems people over there just love 'em. Anyway, Frozen is not something I would recommend to anyone. It's not something you are going to tell your friends about. I would recommend movies that will make you think about stuff. Or at least something with nice effects. Go trough the Top10 at IMDB and that should get you some ideas.
The best movies I watched lately were The Book Thief and Frozen! None of them are psychological thrillers (sorry), but both are outstanding movies in their categories and I highly recommend them! I have watched Frozen 3 times already and I would definitely watch The Book Thief again, and that is one long movie!
Gravity is a good one, I mean, most people dislike it (because its not made for them) but I suggest you give it a shot, Cuarón did a good job directing that film, and the visuals are top notch. The Wolf of Wall Street is a good one too, a bit dragging when it comes to the middle part since its three hours long, but still, very fun movie. Captain Philips is another good one, damn Tom Hanks did a good job, also speaking of great acting Prisoners, Hugh Jackman truly made a mark on that movie. Also, Captain Ameica, just kidding LOL
My time was best used when I watched gravity. It is one movie that will keep you in suspense not knowing what will happen next. I had my fingers crossed throughout the whole movie. After seeing that it won all those awards afterwards, I must say that it really deserved them. You can go ahead and watch it also.