I have been looking into this for sometime now, there are multiple cash back sites that reward you to click through there sites and buy products, but what works out better, sales or the cash back? I recently bought a new computer. I look at the sales and it worked out to be 20% cheaper to buy through the cash back site than it did if I bought the same laptop in the sales! What do you think?
I've been wondering about this same question too. Most of the sales sites offer free shipping along with a decent discount on items, like your laptop. I recently received a cash back offer on ink cartridges totally over $50. I got free shipping but it took almost 4 weeks to be credited. There are a few determinants to consider with both. From my own experience, I contemplated if it was worth the wait or would it had been better to just go and buy them locally. I settled for the wait time because the savings I received online was much greater than gas and full purchase price in the store.